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Lucy's PoV~

After lunch we went our separate ways. Me and Skylar decided to go back to mine and clean up else all the eggs will start rotting. The twins said one of them would message me the date and time of when they want to make their video, they also said Skylar could join so that's a good thing.

Soon after everything is cleaned up I get a message from Grayson.

Gray- How is next Saturday for you?

Next Saturday is the anniversary of my parents death. I'm sure I'll be able to go to the graves once we're finished.

Lucy- Yeah that's fine, what time?

Gray- Around 12:00pm, if that's okay.

Lucy- We'll see you then x

Gray- we can't wait x

After texting Gray I start to get lots of notifications from Twitter. I open the app and look at a few of the tweets.

'She's only using the twins for views!'

'She's not even that popular, so why would they collab with her!'

'Her friend is way more pretty!'

'Ethan only wants to be friends with her because she's blonde like Meredith, I guess he just really misses her!'

'I already know that this collab is going to suck. Even though the twins are in it. That's probably going to be best thing about it!'

My eyes start to water and Skylar soon notices. Without saying anything she puts on my favourite film. The lion king. I'll probably end up crying even more but she know it's gets my mind off of what ever I was thinking about.

We was about halfway through the film when Ethan messaged me.

Ethan- I've seen all the drama on Twitter, just don't think they're true because they're not xx

Lucy- I know I shouldn't but I did. Anyway I'm over it now thanks to you and Skylar xxx

Ethan- I'm glad to hear it xxx

Today is Saturday 14th March, also known as three years after my parents died. But I'm going to put on a brave face today for the sake of the twins. Skylar already knows what I'll be like so she's already prepared. Straight after we make the video we plan to go to the grave. Hopefully the twins don't make a fuss about us leaving.

We make our way outside and in the uber. The dolans house isn't that far away so it only took about 15 mins to get there. Once we were at the house I was amazed on how beautiful it was. I rang the door bell and Lisa answered wearing an apron. I assume she's baking because she has flour on her face.

"Hello Lucy and Skylar! I've heard lots about you. My sons are very fond of you."

I thank her and smile awkwardly.

"Oh right they're downstairs in the basement. The stairs are just here." She said leading the way to the stairs. I thank her once again and we go down the stairs. I see them both sat on the couch on their phones. They also have the camera set up.

"Hey guys." I said interrupting them.

"Oh hey. You ready to film?" Grayson asks.

"Yep." Skylar says. She loves the camera way too much.

"Really as I'll ever be." I say shortly after.

"Great." Ethan said.

We sit down and start filming start away.

"Hey guys we're back." They say at the same time.

"Today we're doing a q&a because we haven't done one in nearly 2 years." Ethan said.

"So I tweeted saying asking us some questions." Grayson said. He hand his phone to me and I started to look for questions.

"Oh and these guys are joining us." Ethan said pretending that we weren't they a few seconds ago.

"Okay first question. Would you rather die with the person you hate or watch the person you love die?"

"Oh boi, probably the first one." Grayson says.

"Yeah the first one. I don't wanna be alone for the rest of my life."

"I agree with them." Skylar says.

"Me too." I say then pass the phone to Ethan.

"Have you ever kissed two people in the small day?" He asked.

I just smirked at the camera and kissed both Ethan and Grayson on the cheek. I continued to smirk. All the other relied with no as their answer to the question.

For about an hour we continued to ask questions and now we're finished. They turn off the camera.

"Can you guys stay for dinner?" Grayson asks.

"I'm really sorry but I can't. I have to be somewhere. We had a great time tho. Thank you." I said hugging the both of them then Skylar did the same.

They walk us to the door and we start walking down the road. The cemetery is only two blocks away so it's in walking distance. We get to the graves and I just sit there crying whilst Skylar cradles me.

Grayson's PoV~

I check my Instagram and I seem to be getting the same notifications from the same photo. I click on it and see Lucy sat in a grave yard. The caption said to zoom in so that's what I did.

In loving memory of
John & Mary Roberts
1975-2013 1976-2013

Omg I had no idea! She always looks so happy. I would've never had thought she'd gone though this, she hides her feelings well.

Sadly this was the last part. I hope you enjoyed reading it 💕💕💕💕
Also thank you fwdolan for helping with this chapter 💕💕
It was originally only going to be a one-shot part so I think it turned out better.
Until next time ✌🏼️

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