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It was cold, and dark. Everything was so still it felt as though time was frozen. You had no recollection of where you were, or how you had managed to get there, and no clue other than the steady sound of dripping water coming from somewhere far off.

Then, there was light. Unimaginably overwhelming light. Your head pounded as the alleyway before you lit up. Oh, that's right. Suddenly, memories of the night came flooding back to you.

It was your friend Sakura's birthday, and you and a couple of the gals had gone out for clubbing and a few drinks. Well, maybe more than a few, you thought as your headache came back full force. You didn't, however, recall how you ended up in the alleyway outside of the club. That information wasn't super important right now, since you realized that there was a man who had come out of the door and was now standing across from you.

From what you could see, the stranger was fairly sharp dressed. He wore a dark suit, which was kind of unusual for this type of venue, but you weren't one to judge. In his hand he held a cigarette, which he must have lit while you were busy observing his attire. When you finally got to the sharp features of his face, you realized that the man was looking straight at you. What felt like an eternity passed while you were looking into his dark eyes, but it was most likely only a second before you turned your face away, choosing to examine an interesting stain that must have gotten on your dress during the night's events.

"Hey, there you are!" you heard a familiar voice call out to you. The birthday girl, Sakura, had stumbled into the alleyway a little buzzed, but still in better shape than you. "I've been looking for you everywhere! I was worried some guy had put something in your drink and run off with you!" she explained, exasperated. Sakura was the motherly type. Even when it wasn't her responsibility, she always was watching out for the people that were close to her. You gave your friend an apologetic look, and accepted her assistance with helping you up. With a little bit of stumbling and a lot of effort on both ends, you managed to get up off the ground.

"Come on, I think we're going to call a cab pretty soon," Sakura broke the silence as she beckoned you to follow her back into the building. She held the door open for you.

You had almost forgotten that there was a man standing in the alleyway with the two of you. That is, until you made eye contact with him again. Something about his eyes was cold, and it felt like he was looking right through you. You shivered as you passed by him, following your friend back into the club, music blaring. It was best not to think about it.

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