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During your lunch break, you were searching through your bag for your phone, when you noticed something was missing. You frantically dug through your purse, but to no avail.  Your wallet was not there.

Before going into immediate panic, you considered your options: One, you could have left your bag at home during your morning rush. Two, your things could still be somewhere on the work building, and you had just misplaced them. The third option, the one you wished the most that it wasn't true, was that you lost your wallet on the way to work when you bumped into that man.

No. No, no, no, you thought. Your coworker must have noticed your struggles, because she walked over to you and tapped you on the shoulder.

Hinata was a kind soul. She cared deeply for her friends, and often wouldn't say what she was thinking if she thought it would hurt someone. She had more empathy than everyone you knew. This was especially apparent due to the distraught expression on her face, and the way she worried at the ends of her work-standard tied back hair. She opened her mouth, and after a moment, broke the silence, "Is everything alright?".

You easily responded, putting a smile on your face to ease her worries, "Yeah, I just can't seem to find my wallet."

Hinata looked a bit relieved, but still showed a bit of worry on her face. "Well, I haven't seen it around here, so maybe you left it at home?" she offered.

"That's what I thought. I seem to be getting more forgetful these days," you laughed. "Well, we better get back to work. Thanks for worrying about me," you said as you nudged her shoulder playfully.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful, but the constant thought of your missing wallet hung over your head, and you found it difficult to concentrate. When it was finally time to go home, you waved goodbye to some of your coworkers, grabbed your things, and off you went.

When you arrived home, you collapsed onto your bed, exhausted. It took a moment to register the fact that your wallet was still M.I.A. Regrettably, you hauled yourself up for the second time that day and began your search. It was a while of turning over pillows and ripping through drawers, when you became so frustrated that you decided it was time for a break.

Your kitchen was small, but you preferred to call it quaint. The size didn't really bother you, since it was adequate for cooking meals for one person. You never really had more than one guest at a time. Mostly it was Sakura, who came over fairly frequently to spend some quality time together, and to catch a break from her busy life as a nurse. That girl was always an overachiever. You smiled and shook your head fondly at the thought of your strong-willed friend, as you prepared one of your favourite dishes. You made sure to make enough for leftovers so you would have some for lunch the next day. When you were almost finished, you heard a knock at the door.

You glanced at your watch. Huh, this is kind of a weird time for a visitor, you thought, but then shook it off as you approached and opened the door.

Outside was a tall, slim man dressed in a sleek suit. You were about to break it to him that he had the wrong apartment, when he pulled out your wallet and shakingly pronounced your name, asking if said person was you. Your face instantly lit up.

"Yes! You found my wallet! I am so, so sorry, you must've been the person I bumped into this morning." After a moment, you added, "Would you like to come in? I just made dinner, enough for two, in fact." You ushered inside, "I mean, it's the least I could do to repay you for being so kind."

The man chuckled warmly at your antics. This was all too easy.

(A/N): Hey guys, I'm sorry I don't update super frequently. I'll get on that. I'd like some feedback to see if I should continue this story. The next chapter might be sort of from Sasuke's p.o.v. ₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾ See ya!!!

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