No Cream, No Sugar

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Not much had happened for the few days after your wallet had been returned to you. That just gave you more time for you to reorganize your thoughts. Who exactly was the mysterious stranger who appeared at your door, and why, for the love of god, did you not exchange numbers with him? Now, you might never see him again, and never figure out the mystery behind his enchanting, onyx eyes. The name Sasuke Uchiha rang through your head countless times. How exactly do you spell that? Maybe, if you knew, you could look him up on social media.

"Um, hello?" you were lifted out of your thoughts by Hinata's voice. "Is everything alright? You look a little space-y," she asked, clear concern laced in her voice.

You blinked a few times to clear your clouded eyes. "Weird stuff has been happening lately. How 'bout I tell you about it later?" you suggested. She nodded. It wasn't out of the ordinary for Hinata to walk home with you and hang out after work. You shared a lot of the same shifts.

As soon as you both proceeded to go back to filling orders, your attention was brought to the door. There, standing in the doorway was the man you had been thinking about for days on end. Business attire wasn't uncommon since the coffee shop was located in the city, yet he still managed to look out of place. You still wondered what the nature of the company was that he worked for. You tried to clear your head of curious thoughts for the umpteenth time today. Now was not the time to get distracted. You had a job to do, and there was no way, you thought, that he came here just to see you. You didn't tell him the exact location of where you worked, anyways.

You composed yourself as it was his turn to order soon. You were going to do your job, and you were going to do it well, damn it! Why should he be treated differently from any other customer?

Sasuke approached the counter. Through observing your face, he could tell that his plan to leave you alone for a few days, although painful, did work. To him, you were as easy to read as a book. He could see past what you thought was a collected, professional smile, into the inner workings of your mind. Although the smile wasn't genuine, it pained him to think that you gave this look to everyone. His lips settled into a frown. He didn't want any other man to get the wrong idea. Soon, your expressions would be only his to cherish.

It was now time to order. Sasuke glanced at the menu before deciding. "I'll have a large coffee, black," he requested. Something simple like that was what you had expected him to order. At least some things about this man were predictable. You nodded, and asked him if that was everything, as per standard protocol. After it was confirmed, you told him his total, and with actions as smooth as silk, he reached into his pocket and handed you the cash, as well as an extra slip of paper.

It didn't occur to you to check the paper until he had almost left the building. You glanced at it, and your face turned crimson red. There, on a rather nice slip of paper, was his number, scrawled in slanted lettering. You looked over at Sasuke. He gave you a small, silent nod and the slightest hint of a smirk before he was out the door.

Somehow, in your dazed state, you managed to make it the rest of the way through the work day. After your shift, Hinata waited for you with your things while you closed up shop. You both began your well-known trek home, smiling and chatting.

"Hey," you interjected. "Why don't we call up Sakura? I just bought groceries yesterday, and I have a lot to share."

She agreed wholeheartedly. From the distance, a scowl could be seen on a man's face. His plan was shortsighted, for he had not taken into account the precious time that was stolen from him by your so-called friends.

He would have to change all of that.

(A/N): Sorry, I noticed a few errors in the chapter. If you find any more please tell me!!

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