Just in Time for Dinner

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Getting past the worker in the lobby had been an easy task. After all, anything could be accomplished with a bit of charisma. Everything was going smoothly, as he was now here, in your apartment. He watched as you stumbled over your words. He found it charming that you would invite a total stranger into your home, and allow them to stay for dinner. Your naivety would be your downfall, though.

"Are you coming in?" he heard you ask. Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Of course, he couldn't get too distracted or everything would crumble.

"I think I will," he responded, stepping inside of the door and closing it behind him. "I'm Sasuke, by the way. Sasuke Uchiha."

A teasing grin appeared on his face as he watched you turn the colour of a ripe tomato, and avert your eyes. He had to resist the urge to put a hand under your chin and force you to look at him. Savouring your face from this angle would have to be enough for now. "Oh gosh I'm such a terrible host," you uttered under your breath, and gestured to a small table across the room, "Here, why don't you sit."

As Sasuke sat at the table, you rushed to the kitchen to see if the food was done. It was, so you took the stir fry and portioned it into two bowls, grabbed your only clean silverware, and slowly made your way back to the table, being careful not to spill anything. You had to admit, it looked pretty good. With a new, determined feeling, you walked with purpose, and set the dishes on the table almost forcefully.

The loud clatter of the bowls caused Sasuke to look up at you questioningly. He quirked a brow. "Do you need help?" he asked, almost mockingly. You huffed, "I'm fine, thanks." You shot him a dirty look for good measure. Though, from the view of the other person in the room, it looked more like a cute pout. He loved that he was able to manipulate your emotions so easily.

You sat down at the table, said a quiet thank you for the food, and dug in without even glancing at Sasuke. Then, you realized that this time could be better used to find out more about the total stranger you allowed to enter into your apartment.

Clearing your throat, you began, "So, uhh, Sasuke, where do you work?" This was probably a good question to start with.

There was a moment when you thought he wasn't going to respond, but he finally spoke up. "I work for a private company, he responded vaguely. You noticed that when speaking, Sasuke tended to be to the point. His low voice was quiet, and almost raw sounding, as if he didn't use it much. You had to admit, it was kind of nice.

A hard pressure on your forehead brought you out of your thoughts. Your hands immediately went up to rub at the sore spot the contact had left. Sasuke had jabbed your forehead with his finger while you weren't paying attention. Irritated, you demanded, "Hey, what did you do that for?"

"I asked, where do you work? You weren't listening." Of course, he already knew where you worked, since he had trailed you that one day, but he didn't want to start with questions that were too imposing. It was a process of gaining your trust.

Seemingly forgetting about your irritation, you responded, "Oh, I work at a coffee shop downtown. It's pretty friendly there, and there's Wi-Fi." You smiled fondly at the thought of your cozy work place.

Before you could think to ask him something else, Sasuke bombarded you with more questions. Before you knew it, your meal was finished and hours had passed.

You glanced at your watch, surprised to find that it was almost 10pm. You interrupted the conversation. "I'm really sorry, but I think it's time for you to be heading home. Thanks again for bringing back my wallet! Maybe we can meet up again sometime."

Sasuke begrudgingly agreed, and got up from the table. As you both said your goodbyes, and he thanked you for the meal, he had to remind himself that you wouldn't be parted for long. Each moment you spent with him lead you closer and closer towards being in his grasp. After all, you were his, and soon enough, you would be aware of this fact.

(A/N): I had a bit of trouble writing this chapter, but I hope it's okay!

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