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Somehow in those final seconds monae had pushed two bodies off of her the body of not only kimberly but brianna too and had ran past in a cross fire of both gangs wilding out.

Monae had made her way all the way to kash and had literally forces her self on him kissing his lips like no tomorrow.

Kash simply pushed her off but she kept coming back.

Somebody come get their girl! Kash yelled irritated he was speaking directly to her boyfriend and as quick as possible he did come over and this time monae knew she was in big trouble as she watch her hopes of a happy future walk off on her she had earned a back hand from kash before he had rushed to kikis side and one things for certain she was gonna get kiki back for ruining her happy ending.

She had ran towards kiki and beat her up when she was already unconscious no one had knew what happened to kiki but it had to have been bad there were absolutely no gunshot wounds or nothing.

Kash attempted to pick kimberly up but it failed when monae held on to her leg.

Bitch!! You ruined everything my happy ending and now you wanna run off with my prince charming !!!

Monae yelled as she managed to make kash drop kiki on the hard marble floors.

Mo had pulled a crying monae off of Kimberly's body

Kash had ran outside just to his luck it started to rain even worse cops were outside after giving Molone, Logan and everybody else the warning in under 32 seconds everybody was gone two gangs separated never to meet ends again the only thing that was left was about 50 bodies whoever had picked up Brianna had done it in the hopes of her living.

Vinny POV

Vinny hadn't been completely honest he did sleep with Brianna the night he seen her in NYC and he knew for certain the baby in her stomach was his and he couldn't give up on it not after he had losted the first one he watched as Brianna went in and out of consciousnesses he had tried his best she definitely wasn't dead but one thing was for certain if one of bains children didn't survive tonight they were both gonna die and vinny although he his his love for her it was still there.

Shit BRI wake up! He yelled hitting his truck twice before speeding down the high way and into the parking lot of the hospital.

Molone POV

Yo kash just gave me the call cops are outside.

Light this place Logan said as he cleared most of rich's safes he had given half to Molone.

My nigga we didn't kill rich yet.

He out there the bitch nigga can run but he can't mother fuckin hide

Not for long tho,

Where y'all staying.

A hotel, imma check up the hospital you coming some your homeboys got saved Molone told Logan.

Yeah look my FAM appreciates your help y'all are welcomed to stay with us until you leave for new York y'all know police gone be looking in all hotels and seeing who just came up into this bitch.

True imma think about it there's alot of us yeah know...

And? Nigga we have space plus imma move my family away from this space for alil

Shii aight. Imma hit you up later nigga Molone said as he hopped into his van driving to the hospital.

Bain POV

Bain was ready to go Atlanta when his wife had fainted he urgently brought her to the hospital to find out she had stage 4 cancer and had been living with it for almost half of there marriage but still sided against going to chemo because she wanted to feel beautiful as you could imagine bain was beyond pissed with her and knew her time was coming very soon perhaps that day. He couldn't help but blame himself if he had payed more attention to his wife than maybe he would have noticed after coughing up blood, balding and maybe just the simple fact she needed help.

Bain had spent all day trying to get in touch with his daughter and his son he even gave jermaine a call as he answered on the first beep there was no easy way to put this... He began.

Kash POV

After awhile Kimberly had woken up and was conscious again.

Kimberly looked down at her leg and spotted blood dripping down she knew it wasn't because she had gotten cut she had tried to hide it before kash had seen but as his eyes wondered on it there was no hiding the fact.

Kiki you hurt kash said examing her leg.

No I'm fine I just need to get some rest we don't need a hospital.

What do you mean your bleeding? He said genuinely considered.

She had gave him a since look that shouldve already told him.

As the car had gotten quiet no words were exchanged.

Its not a cut or a wound is it? Whose baby was it? I'm damn sure it was mine...

This Could Be Us Two (Completed) (Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now