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"Papa, papa!" I felt a little hand on my arm, trying to wake me up. I sighed and opened my eyes slowly with a yawn. The lamp on the bedside table was switched on and a little blonde girl was standing right next to it. "Get up, papa! We have a lot of things to do!" she urged me, pulling my arm trying to make me stand up. She was very strong for being just five years old.

I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed slowly, in an attempt to not wake up the sleeping beauty resting by my side. After grabbing a T-Shirt, I held the blonde girl in my arms and left the bedroom quietly.

"Greta, remember what I told you last night?" I asked in a soft voice as I went downstairs. "I told you to wait for me downstairs. What would have happened if we had woken up mummy?"

"I know, papa, but you never wake up at the time you have to!" she responded and I looked at her trying not to laugh. She was actually right. When we entered the kitchen, I left her on the floor again and she ran to her chair and struggled to sit down. I laughed as I watched her and decided it would be a nice idea to help her. "Thank you" she smiled and kissed my cheek giggling. "Oh, and I want hot chocolate with pancakes for breakfast"

"Liebes, we don't have time for that now. Otherwise, mum will wake up and we will still be here" I stated but I felt her green eyes looking at me thoroughly. She was a very stubborn girl, and I think I was the one to blame for it. "Just the chocolate, you can have the pancakes later" and then again she giggled and waited patiently on her chair as I prepared breakfast. It was very unusual for me to be at home during weekends, and I could tell Greta was excited to have me back. She had almost cried when she saw me arriving the night before and didn't want to leave my side at any time. She had missed me a lot and so had I. Being a father and a driver at the same time can be tricky and even incompatible at some points, especially because I didn't want them to be on the spotlight so they didn't usually go to the track. All I was looking for was a life as normal as possible for them.

"When will you be leaving?" she inquired when I gave her the mug. She took a sip and when she put the mug back down; her nose was spotted with chocolate. I grinned softly and sat by her side with a cup of tea.

"Do you want me to leave?" I pouted and she shook her head furiously, holding my hand.

"No, never! I want you to stay home forever" she finished her hot chocolate and I took both mugs to the sink, still smiling. I had missed being home more than I would ever imagine.

"Then I will stay until you kick me off" I took her in my arms and when upstairs again, to her bedroom. She looked at me with a bright glance and I kissed her temple as we entered. "Until Thursday, kleines" she nodded and I went to her wardrobe to help her getting something to put on.

Once we were both ready and on the car, I drove to town to the patisserie. Greta sang at the top of her lungs all the way, which at first I thought it was funny but it got a bit annoying at some point. She was radiant and full of energy at only nine o'clock in the morning! I had braided her hair (ability I had developed thanks to the huge amount of hours I spent in between airports and planes) before leaving and by the time we stepped out of the car, it was almost imperceptible there had been there once a braid. I buttoned her duffle coat and took her hand firmly as we walked through the rather silent and calm streets of the Swiss town. It was never a very busy city, and Saturday mornings were no exception.

"Can we buy chocolate cake, papa?" she asked when we came into the cake shop. "Mummy loves it" she pointed at a Schwarzwälder cake in the counter.

"You are not going to fool me, liebe Greta" I raised an eyebrow looking at her and she covered her face with her little hands so I couldn't see she was laughing. "You want the cake just for you, because mummy doesn't actually like it" she shook her head, still with her face covered. What a girl. "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about your pancakes" she moved away just one of her hand and fixed her glace at me.

"Okay..." she muttered, with a sad expression. I kissed her cheek as we waited for our turn to come.

When we left the patisserie, with some boxes, we headed again to the car to go back home. But before, Greta stopped by the shop window of a toy shop. She pointed inside excited.

"Can we buy something for Nils? I want him to find something from me when he arrives home" and before I could answered, she had already stormed into the shop. I followed her without hesitation, not only because I thought it was a good idea, but she was a danger in any shop alone. She would touch and try to get everything. Everyone used to think that was cute but it was more like an earthquake.

After an hour of Greta making up her mind about which one was the best toy and singing along to the Frozen soundtrack on our way home, I opened the door and she ran inside. I tried to keep her calm so she wouldn't wake the entire neighbourhood up but I guess it was impossible to control her. Once I closed the door, I went to the kitchen and found Greta sitting on her mother's lap. Anna was holding her tightly, with her eyes closed and sat on one of the chairs.

"Happy, happy, happy birthday, mummy" I heard Greta and when she felt me inside, she moved away a bit to look at me. "Papa and I went to town to prepare your breakfast and surprise you... Though we had guessed you would still be sleeping when we came back"

"It's hard to sleep with you two roaming around the house... You are not exactly the definition of silent people" she joked, letting Great back on the floor. Carefully, she stood up and walked towards me. "You didn't have to do anything, you know"

"I don't only do things because I have to, sometimes is because I want to" I whispered into her ear and placed my hand on her tummy, caressing it slowly. "Happy birthday, mein Schatz"

"Thank you, Sebastian" she kissed my lips softly but swiftly separated when Greta coughed.

"I want my pancakes" she said, crossing her arms. "You promised it, papa" I sighed and nodded, asking to Anna to sit down again as I prepared breakfast for the three of us. To my family. I smiled to myself as I thought of that but I was interrupted by Greta leaving the kitchen running. "I've got something for you!" she exclaimed before leaving.

"What is she talking about?" Anna asked as she read the news on the tablet on the table. I shrugged and went down to business. No longer after, the blonde girl came back and sat by her mother.

"This is for Nils" Greta stated and gave her the bag of the toy shop. "I want him to know I'm his big sister and I'll take care of him forever" she kissed Anna's tummy and she looked at me, grinning widely. "Have you listened to me, Nils? I'm going to be the best big sister you could ask for. You will come to school with me, we will go to the cinema and to town to visit my friends and you can come to sleep with me whenever you're scared of darkness. My bed is not very big but you will always have room in it. Mommy, Papa and me will take care of you, so don't worry. You are going to have the best family in the world" she stopped for a moment to watch our faces. She was also smiling. Then, she took the toy car out of the bag. "This is for you. I'm going to place it now in your room so you can see it when you come home. It's a car because Papa is the best and the fastest driver in the world and this is the car he drives now. It is red and fancy, you know? You are going to like it a lot. Although you aren't here yet, we already love you, Nils. And we can't wait to have you with us"

I could feel Anna's tears though I wasn't looking at her. Even I was about to cry. In that moment, I felt the luckiest person in the world. I had a family, a family who loved me and of who I was proud of. And I wouldn't change it for anything in this world.

Hello there! How is everything going? I'm trying my best to keep this updated but I just haven't got any time left for write! I'm currently writing a request by @VettelFerrari (it is on its way, I swear) but I got this cute idea for a short imagine and I wrote it on the train from Heidelberg to Berlin (yay weekend trip!) today so I thought it would be nice to post it while I keep on working on the request.

As always, feedback is always appreciated! So if you liked it, please vote and/or comment and that way I see if people actually like this or I am just writing crap.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xx

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