Important A/N!

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Hey, there is a new one shot on its way but in the midtime I've been think about changing this book a bit. 

I am only writing one shots about Seb (by the way, requests are still open!) and not everybody has him as his or her favourite driver. Thus, I thought that maybe I could expand my horizons a little bit and write one shots about any Formula 1 driver. I think that maybe you, my lovely readers, would love to read about more drivers other than Seb. Of course, I would still write about Sebastian (he is my favourite driver after all #proudhalfgerman).

So let me know what you think on the comments. Should I write stories about more drivers or just stick to what I have been doing with Seb?

Thank you and I hope you all have a lovely week!

P.S.: Seb won the ROC by countries! Couldn't anymore happy and proud as he did it on his own due to Wehrlein's retirement :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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