Chapter One

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     "Mom! We need to get moving or I am going to be late!" I shouted down the hall towards my mother's bedroom.  I was going to the school dance tonight.  Oh how I hate school dances, but my friend, Lily , forced me to go because I needed to "talk to boys more" and "be normal." What does she know?
    "Coming!!" My mom yells at me. I decide to get in the car and wait until she came to. I sat in the car for nearly 20 minutes before mother finally decided to join me. She was getting all dressed up even though she was just dropping me off. Why was she like this?
When I finally arrived I entered the school. the ceiling was lined with decorative streamers and the boring beige walls were slightly more colorful. I entered the gymnasium. I felt a wave of loud, horrible music smack me in the face. A bunch of middle schoolers dancing and singing and acting like actual fools.
   "Hey Dabria!" Lily shouted at me and I turned to face her. The gym was dark and the only light came from some party lights over by the DJ. I could barely see her face, but I knew it was her, she was the only one who would wear one of those silly light up head bands. But I could just tell everyone was trying to act like adults At a club or something even though this was just a stupid middle school dance.
  "There is too many people, I want to go home!" I practically shouted at her trying to make it so she could hear me over the music.
   "C'mon on its fun!" She giggled. Fun? I rolled my eyes. I hate parties, I hate most people, I can't stand music that isn't classic rock, and I hate this boring average life. I always feel like I was made for more. I know I sound like one of those stereotypical "I'm not like anyone else" girls, but that's how I feel. I didn't want to be here.
  I tried my best to get through the night. It was horrible people talked to me and asked me why I was so weird and criticized me about how I was acting. If I knew I was just going to be relentlessly criticized I would have not even gone.
  I made it through the night, finally. My mother was the last one to arrive to pick me up. When we got home I threw on some comfortable sweatpants and a t-shirt. My mother came and kissed me goodnight and I stayed up late watching tv. I then heard the dog barking up a storm so I took him out for a walk. It was frigid outside and I could just see my breath turning into fog and disapating into the air. The moonlight lit up the sidewalk so it was easy to see where I was going. I only went around the block.
  I walked for about 10 minutes, but I began feeling nauseous,  like something wasn't quite right. It was just one of those gut instincts where you know something is wrong.
  I shakily opened the door, gripping the handle tight. My heart leaped out of my chest. I began to breath heavily, like a boulder was lying on my chest.
   A shrill scream came from my mother's room. I ran faster than I ever had to her. My head became heavy,my heart fell to my feet. God no. There she was ripped to shreds like a dog torn into a leftover bag. Shredded and strewn all over the room like a traumatizing  Jackson Pollok painting. Across the room out the window I saw two eyes scurrying away. I fell to my knees, then to the floor. I sobbed, I shrieked, I wailed, until the sun came up.
  My neighbor finally began pounding on the door and I realized that I would have to say something to someone. I could barely stand. I had just lost the only person who cared about me. I felt physically sick, like I was going to puke.
    I eventually made my way towards the front door. I opened it.
   "Call the police" I said quietly and almost inaudibly.
   "What?" My neighbor asked.
    "CALL THE POLICE!!!"  I screamed. She scampered away pulling her phone from her pocket.
   I had never dealt with grief and I didn't really know how so I  just used anger as a substitute.
Within minutes the police arrived.
    "What happened?" The first cop to bust in the door demanded. I half heartedly pointed towards her crime scene. I could practically hear the horror on the cop's face when he walked in. I still stood by the front door, not really able to move. She was gone, I had no one to turn to. Where would I go? What would I do without her? I missed her so much already.
   Upon finding the crime scene the cops took me with them. The ride to the police station was long and lonely. I stared out the window at the bright sunny day before me. How dare the world be so happy after what just happened. This world truly is cruel.
  I stayed a few nights at one of the local orphanages. Those days were a blur. Where I would go wasn't decided yet, they were trying to find out who my father was, or if I had any aunts or uncles I could stay with. I knew I had no family left. Everyone was taken from me. I would wind up in the foster program , get bad grades, develop and attitude, and bounce from house to house. Once I age out I would turn to drugs and alcohol and one day I would be found dead in a dusty motel room from an overdose.
    I was in the light and cheery orphanage room. And I got a knock on the door. A person with a key opened it so I don't understand why they even bothered knocking. It was a sweet lady with wavy chestnut hair and crisp blue eyes. She held a clipboard and wore a long flowy dress that barely tickled the tops of her toes. She smiled a warm smile that seemed like a nice ray of sunlight during a long storm.
   " I am Mrs.Daisy" she said sweetly. And for a single moment I forgot about what happened. She stepped inside the room fully and halfway shut the door behind her.
   " I understand you have been through a lot." She now lightly reached for my hand and held it to soothe me.
    " I hate to do this but you're a smart girl and you know that a crime did happen and we do need to investigate." She paused and looked out the window behind me for a moment." We need you to talk to the FBI about what you saw. Do you think you can do that?" She bit her lip and nodded at me. I didn't want to,but the rage part of me boiled over and made a decision.  I nodded, I would talk to them. " wonderful! Now just come with me." I followed her down the hallway decorated with children's art and pretty little picture and collages.
   She took me to an office type room and led me in,then left. Two well dressed FBI agents were sat at a desk. One was huge, he looked like a human sitting in a doll chair.  He had long brown hair and a longish face. The second one had a rounder but tougher looking face, he wasn't nearly as big as the first one, he had a short dirty blonde hairstyle and emerald green eyes. He had a grin that looked familiar, like I could instantly trust him.
   "Hello, please sit down." Said the big one. I nodded and took a seat in  the chair across from them.
     "You're Dabria, right?" The big one asked. I nodded, trying to say as little as possible, trying to get a feel for what type of people these guys are.
  " I am agent Smith and this is agent.." I cut him off.
    " You're lying, you're not FBI." I said. I could see straight through them, they weren't the kind of people who cared about the law, I could read people pretty well and just by seeing them I could tell they have never obeyed the law.
     "Excuse me?" The big one said smugly and with a light scoff.
      "Then where did these badges come from?" And the second one pulled out a fake badge.
      " Oh my mistake." I decided to just play along and see what they had to say. The big one rolled  his eyes.
     "Ok. Well I am agent Henry." The big one said.
     " What did you see on that night?" The big one asked getting straight to the point.
     " I saw my mother hacked to pieces. " I replied darkly.
     " anything else? Any strange sights? Smells? Sounds?"
    "I did see..." I trailed off.
    "I thought I saw eyes from Outside the  window, but I'm sure it was nothing."
     " please just what did they look like?" The second one seemed desperate. I decided I was going to play with these fools.
      " I will tell you more when you tell me your real names." I folded my arms and smirked. They turned to each other and began whispering They soon turned back to me.
     "Fine but you can't tell anyone else."
     " Agreed."
     " I am Sam and this is my brother Dean. We are trying to find what killed your mother." I knew that name, Dean, from somewhere, but where. Then it hit me.
      "Dean... Winchester?" I gulped, angered. Dean leaned forward and rested his elbows on the desk, he put his face closer towards me and a surprised  expression stretched across his face.
     "How did you know that?" He asked in a tone that said  this isn't a game. He was Dean Winchester? the brave Dean that my mother always told me about, even though she only knew so little about him. I stared blankly at him. A wave of pure anger washed over me. Dean Winchester was my father.

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