Chapter 3

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     I rode for maybe six hours in the back of one of the sweetest cars ever. I mean an Impala? I had never gotten to ride in any cool cars and that ride was just fun. I didn't want to admit it I still hated him, but he did have good taste. We listened to the classic rock station the whole way there and every time I started jamming out to a song he would glance back and smile in approval.
     Sam was just obnoxious,  he kept saying a whole bunch of stupid theories and stuff about monsters I didn't pay attention much. I was focusing on where we were going,we got to a road and began to slow down by a door that looked like the entrance to a hobbit home.
     We were going to live here? The good mood I was put in from the car ride instantly dissolved to dissapointment.
     "Is this where we are going to live?"
     "It's better once you get inside." Sam smiled a sarcastic smile. I went to the trunk to go grab my stuff and I saw a huge box. What was that? I figured it wouldn't hurt just to open it. I lifted the heavy lid and I saw the most glorious gun and knife collection ever, I couldn't help but peek a little more. Sam walked up and slammed the lid down.
   "Don't go in there." I rolled my eyes. Really? He had to be all rude and snappy, I guess I was the same way so I couldn't really complain. I grabbed my duffel bag and we went inside. It was small, and a little dingy, but it seemed nice, organized almost. The walls seemed worn. The place was stuffy and a little messy in some places with papers strewn all over tables, but everything else was organized. I followed Sam and Dean into the main library room. The walls were lined with books and various weapons. There were nice fancy chairs strewn about all in random places and a huge table with a map on it was right in the middle surrounded with chairs. It was like a meeting place of sorts.
     There was another man sitting In one of the chairs. He had stunning blue eyes and dark hair. He wore a tan trench - coat with a tie. He had a gentle but gruff looking face.
     "Who's this?" He asked tilting his head like a curious  puppy.
     "Her name's Dabria." Sam told the man.
     "This is Castiel. He's my friend." Dean told me. Castiel looked hurt, like friend wasn't enough.
     "I don't understand, what is she doing here?" Castiel asked.
     "No easy way to say this, but she's my daughter." Castiel looked shocked. He walked clumsily towards me and held his arms out, gesturing for a hug. I walked by him and set my bag down on the large table. I didn't know him why would I hug him?
     "So how,uh, how did this happen?" Castiel asked Dean. Sam darted off down a hallway somewhere and then it was just me, Dean, and Castiel.
     "A while back I met a woman she got pregnant with my kid and never told me. Now she is dead and here we are." Dean smiled sarcastically.
     "Did you finish the case?"
     "Sam is going to work on it right now, we're  leaving tomorrow morning to finish the job."
      "So she's staying with me?"
      "Yes!" He half yelled. He then turned towards me. I was awkwardly  standing by the table, still holding my bag. I already hated how they were so dramatic.
      "Dabria," he fake smiled as if I was just a huge burden," We have one small extra room, follow me." He stated and began to walk away. I trailed behind him, taking my bag with me. He opened the door to a small bedroom. There was one bed with a light blue and stiff-looking comforter. A single light bulb was stuck to the ceiling giving off an adequate amount of light. There was a short, rickety, dresser  across from the bed. The walls were a nice creme color. There was a shelf above the bed with a thick layer of dust piled on top of a katana sword. A small closet door was at the foot of the bed. Home sweet home. I guess...
     "Make yourself at home." Dean said as he left through the hallway. I threw my bag on my bed and plopped down next to it. I hated this little room, I felt stuck here. I sighed and then began to place all my clothing in my dresser and closet. I didn't have that much, I probably took less than 10 minutes to get everything sorted out. I suddenly began to get hungry.
    I made my way out into the main room. Sam, Dean, and Castiel were all sitting in the library with their faces in books highlighting things, and taking notes. I sighed, I was getting pretty hungry.
   "You guys got any food?" I asked. Dean looked up from his book, then he looked at Sam. Sam then stared at Dean as if they were having a silent argument. Sam then stood up and walked towards the door.
    "I'm going to get food." He then left. I was bored, no one to talk to, nothing to do.
      "What are you reading?" I asked anyone.
      "We're trying to find a lead on what killed your mom." Dean said coldly.
      "Oh," I stared at my feet. I made my way towards  a chair and took a seat. I sighed, then began tapping my hand on a nearby side-table. I turned to the shelf behind me and grabbed a random book. "Witch Hunting: How to Find and Kill Witches." Were all of their books like this? I flipped through the pages, it didn't seem very appealing, just pages and pages of random facts all lumped together into a novel. I placed the book back in its spot on the shelf behind me. "The Wizard of Oz " caught my eye and I reached for it. I was bored so I began to read it. I had read this for school already and it wasn't that great. I set the book on my lap.
    "Anything I can do to help?" I was still wanted whatever killed my mother dead. I hated that thing, it ruined my life and now I wanted more than anything to see it dead. Both Dean and Castiel looked up from their research, not saying a word.
     "I want it dead," I growled.
     "It's not fun trust me." Dean said like it was a secret club that I wasn't invited to.
      "That thing ruined my life! I want to be the one to kill it!" I shouted aggressively.  I had no idea where this bloodthirsty rage came from but it boiled inside of me and took over. I had to be the one to kill it.
     "You don't know anything about monsters or demons, you couldn't possibly kill it. "Fuming with anger, I stood up and stormed over to where Dean was sitting and I grabbed the first book off of the stack of books that was sitting next to Dean. I sat down in the chair nearest to Dean and began reading the book. "Local Murders" was the title of the book. I guess they weren't looking for what did it, but when it would strike next.
    At first the book was the most dull thing I had ever seen.  Then Sam returned with food and that's what gave me the boost to read the rest of the book. All of the murders seemed like random acts of violence but I noticed a small pattern of break-in related murders. Sam had finished his food and snatched the book out of my hands.
    "What?" I asked
    "You are too young for anything close to hunting." He said angrily,"now go get some sleep" he said in a softer tone. This whole thing was just 3 teenage girls and a puppy all living together. There was so much drama. I decided  I was too tired to argue so I just went to my room to sleep.
     I got no sleep, all I could think about was revenge. It was like a deadly infection, spreading through my body and making me uncontrollable. I had never been this angry before. It was uncontrollably pulsing through my veins. I lost all control. Something took over and I couldn't control my body or my actions. I could see, I could scream, and god, I screamed bloody murder but whatever I did was lost and something else acted for me.
    It would seem I was possessed by a demon or something but no, it was all me. I had just never met this side of me.I heard Sam and Dean waking up, leaving, saying goodbye to Castiel and kindly letting me sleep in. I scampered out of my bedroom, through the halls, and out the bunker door.
    "Goodbye!" I chanted as they rolled away. I didn't want to seem cheerful, I wanted to beg to go with them but I just couldn't. They were gone and I strolled casually back inside. I began snooping around, and in the library  on the table I found it. A long sliver blade, created to take the life of an angel. I screamed but nothing came out. I was panicking,  I couldn't  control whatever this was and I tried everything within my ability.
     Castiel walked up behind me, "What are you doing?" I turned to face him. I advanced quickly towards him. Nooooo!!!! I screamed but nothing happened. I held the blade out.
   "Dabria..." he backed up against the wall. I rushed up to him and held the blade to his throat. I could see, I could feel the fear in his eyes, he knew this wasn't me and he didn't know what I was. He looked at me with a face of pure fear.
     "You're going to take me home. Or I will not hesitate to kill you." I sputtered.  He trembled I could feel his fear but I couldn't do anything I wanted to apologize, but I couldn't.  This bloodlust just overtook me. He held his hand out,obeying my commands. I was then zapped right into my house.
     It was empty it was still considered a crime scene so no-one was there. I ran upstairs and slept like a baby for 6 hours. I then heard the door click open, the Winchester break-in sound. I crept towards the top of the stairs and peered down. I still couldn't control myself I wanted to run down the stairs towards them. I was horribly afraid of what I was becoming.
  I swiftly followed behind them making sure they wouldn't detect me. All I wanted was to kill. I let them leave and followed their car as best I could to find the motel they were staying at. I hid outside their room for hours until I saw Sam and Dean leaving. I stalked them, like a predator stalking prey. They got in their car and took off. I saw a kid riding by on a four-wheeler.
   I had no idea how, but he just fell of the side and I took the vehicle. I followed the impala to a cabin in the woods. This was a dark log cabin and it looked like no one had been there for years, except for the fresh blood painted on the door. I watched them bust in the door and that is when I made my move.
    I bolted past them and there he was. A werewolf standing in the middle of the room, the element of suprise startling him. He quickly grew out his nails and bared his teeth.  I turned into a complete animal,  I went ballistic. I launched myself at him and began shoving my fists into his face.
    Sam and Dean rushed in, trying to pry me off the poor werewolf. I calmly retreated. I had a plan, but I hated it, I hated the monster I was, but I couldn't control it. I backed up and sneakily slipped a silver knife out of Dean's pocket without him noticing. He shoved me aside, protecting me from the wolf. I lunged forward and plunged the knife into the creature's chest. I then turned and swiftly punched Sam in the face just hard enough to make him step back. I took his gun out of his hands as he struggled to shove me away. I turned and shot the beast, raging fury pumping through my veins. I had just killed a man.
    I gained control again. I stepped back, then fell right on the floor, slowly backing away from what I had just done. The anger rush was gone, that part of me had fled, for now.

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