Chapter 3 - The Valley of Dragons

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The Valley of Dragons was deep and vast, some of the out-branching canyons and ravines sometimes stretching to over a mile in width. It was a desolate place, free of any vegetation, the ground and stone walls ranging from sunset orange to charcoal black. The floors of the valley were hot to the touch, one could not walk upon the surface without wearing a thick, sturdy pair of boots, that is if one dared to trespass in the first place.

The canyon was peppered with caves of all sizes, the larger ones leading deep into the warm earth. The rock was cracked in places, hot, molten stone bubbling within the unstable crevices. Men did not visit this land. Anything that entered this place, and was not a dragon, never left the valley alive. Not a soul, except for one man.

Talon Connor, human orphan, adopted son of Ryker, the Lord of Dragons, first known Serpent Slayer, and  handsome sea captain, gazed down at his childhood home with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. He had not visited his adopted father in far too long, but he also wished to avoid any contact with his nemesis and rival, Ion, Jade Dragon of Envy, and also the true son of Ryker.

They flew just within the top rim of the valley. To fly too low uninvited would be rude, but to fly too high above the dragons territory would make them suspicious. About halfway through the canyon, they finally neared the entrance to Ryker's cavern.

Talon gestured into the shadowy, red haze of the lower regions of the valley. "It's time to fly down, my Prince. Tread carefully, now," he cautioned, his gaze sharp as he examined their surroundings for danger.

'I always do,' Opal thought with his usual aloofness.

Down they went, deeper into the infamous Valley of the Dragons where creatures more deadly then most beings of the world lived and raised their young, many of them aggressive and overprotective mothers.

Talon's dark eyes lit up in anticipation as he caught sight of the gaping crevice in the side of the canyon wall that was so familiar to him. He pointed Opal in the direction of the wide cave entrance and the elegant steed kicked his long legs and beat his ivory wings until they were heading straight for the opening.

Just as they were reaching the crevice, something fast and green shot in their way. Opal was forced to pull up short, nearly unseating his rider as he reared back on his hind legs, flapping his wings in a new rhythm to regain his air-balance. Once settled, both Opal's liquid-onyx eyes and Talon's frustrated gaze landed with some trepidation on a medium green dragon, about twice the size of a bull, and just as mean.

'He's of the malicious sort,' Talon warned Opal mentally, careful not to speak out loud just yet.

'Yes,' Opal agreed, 'I can sense that. Any chance of diplomacy?'

Talon didn't have time to answer. The jade-hued serpent sneered at him and at once demanded, "What are you doing back in dragon territory, human?"

"It's good to see you again, too, Ion," Talon replied with a half-hearted chuckle. "I've come to speak to Fath-"

"-He is not your father! He is my sire, a dragon. Not a pathetic human like you," Ion growled out, his voice a deep, rumbling tone, but still on the high side for a dragon. Ryker's voice was so deep and guttural, that it was hard to understand him unless one were familiar with him, or were a dragon oneself.

"Truth. Truth." Talon allowed, nodding his head in acquiescence. "I still need to speak with Lord Ryker concerning a matter of extreme import."

"We are not interested in petty human woes!" Ion spat. "Begone before I make a meal of your pony and let your broken body fall to the scavengers!"

Talon sighed in exaggeration, while Opal snorted and tossed his head at the blatant insult and challenge, ready to kick the beasts face in. Talon stroked his neck to to calm him. Damn the human, it worked, a little.

"You know I won't leave without speaking with Ryker," Talon calmly stated, looking straight into Ion's inky black eyes, so unlike Ryker's. "I don't think you really want to try to stop me, Ion. We don't want a repeat of our last brawl, now do we?"

Ion growled and snapped at the air. "I'm stronger, now! And you still deserve to die, trespasser!" He lunged at his archenemy and the bright white pegasus, intent on ripping them both to pieces.

Moments before Ion reached the pair, with jaws gaping and his claws poised to tear, a tremendous roar that shook the very air they flew on, brought the almost-battle to a standstill.

There were a dozen thunderous footsteps that rumbled from within the enormous, shadowy cavern before everything became incredibly silent.

Pale, yellow-green eyes peered out at them from the darkness of the cave. "What is this... noise I hear?" The low, gravelly voice rumbled at them in what seemed like a threatening manner.

Ion's furious black gaze and Talon's smug, brown eyes clashed and held for one long, tense moment. Ion's teeth and claws may have been poised at the ready, but Talon's long, glinting sword was leveled directly at Ion's unguarded heart. Ion snarled and pulled up with a quick, angry jerk, then he flew off in an adolescent show of a temper tantrum.

Opal turned towards the entity inside the cave with a certain degree of caution, but Talon's face split into an elated grin.

"Ryker, ya old scale-factory, it's been a while!" Talon greeted his uniquely adopted father with much enthusiasm.

Ryker's massive black and steel-gray scaled head emerged from the opening, and eyed the human in amusement. "Talon Connor, insolent as ever, I see." He let out a low, earth-quaking chuckle. "How long has it been, boy?"

Talon grimaced in regret. "Close to three years, I'm afraid. I became so foolish in my success and enjoyment of the human life that I lost track of time. Please forgive me, Father." He bowed his head in subjugation.

Ryker hummed softly in approval. "Release your regrets and self-criticism, my son. You are forgiven, and I understand. Tell me then, why have you and your hooved friend come?"

Talon sighed and shook his head loosely. "Troubled times are upon us, Father. A prophecy regarding the worlds fate has been spoken. I need your help."

"I have... sensed unrest among the heavens," Ryker considered. "I will help to preserve this world for my offspring, if that becomes necessary. Tell me of the threat to our world, my son."

Talon's face hardened and his eyes grew serious. "It is Arlo, God of the Sky."

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