Chapter 2 - A Royal Steed

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The sky was bright and the day early as The Sea Serpent dropped anchor in the Livius Sea Bay. Talon's eyes scanned the clear blue sky, then quickly skimmed the bridge known as The Crossing, noting that it was bare of any creature - foul or lovely.

There was a small fishing village to the far West side of the bay that he and his crew had frequented in the past while visiting the land of his birth. He directed the majority of his men to visit and restock at the village while entrusting his ship into the hands of a skeleton crew.

"Baelin, I know I can depend on you and these lads to take care of my ship," Talon said with a satisfied nod. "In a few days, switch off with some of the others and go enjoy a woman or two in town."

Baelin flashed him a wide, toothy grin. "Aye. I remember a few gals who're not opposed t' beddin' a man with blue flesh. When should we expect ye back, Cap'n?" 

Talon sighed softly, his gaze troubled. "I'm not sure. But if things get rough here, you gather the men and the villagers and get as far away from Ahnwen as you can. Understand?"

Baelin frowned as he searched his good friends face for answers to his multitude of unvoiced questions. He asked only one, however. "Ye gonna be alright, Tal?" The humanoid male asked him, only calling his captain by his name when he was truly concerned.

"Hmm," Talon answered, which was neither an affirmation nor a denial. "Be careful, my friend. I'll return when I can."

Talon left his capable first mate in charge on his prized ship and went directly to The Crossing. He walked across it slowly, wondering if the mysterious winged maiden would make herself known to him at this place where he had dreamt of her.

Near the halfway point, he heard the beat of wings and felt the wind on his back pick up in strength. Talon spun on his heel, much as he had in his dream, sure he would come face to face with the pale beauty, but as he turned, he saw with some degree of surprise that there was no one behind him. He felt a moment of disappointment, until his eyes began to look up of their own accord.

There, in the sky before him, less then fifteen feet away, hovered an incredible winged horse as pure and white as fresh snow. He appeared to be a proud, magnificent beast as he looked down his long nose at Talon and snorted disdainfully at him.

'Well met, Captain Connor, ward of Ryker,' the pegasus spoke into his mind in a cultured voice fit for a king. 'I have been awaiting your arrival for days, now. That primitive vessel is no match for the wings of a Pegasi. I am Opal, son of Queen Serenity, and the prince of our mighty herd.'

Talon was stunned, but only for a moment. He had seen pegasi in the past, but he had never seen any up close, nor one so brilliantly white. And none had actually ever spoken to him before.

'Isn't Opal a girls name?' Talon thought to himself. Unfortunately, it seemed as if Prince Opal had actually heard his accidentally-broadcasted thoughts.

'Not for us Pegasi!' The great steed thought in a loud, offended voice into Talon's head. Opal flew in an agitated circle in the sky, kicking his legs and lifting his head high. After a short moment, the prince returned to his place before Talon. 'The only reason I am here is because Wyng insisted I come meet you,' Opal mentally said, eyeing the man in reserved annoyance.

"Er, sorry," Talon murmured before raising his voice and attempting to continue in a more respectful tone. "It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness. Thank you for meeting me. It saves me the trouble of finding you. Someone told me about a certain situation that requires your assistance. Is this 'Wyng' the woman who gave me that message?"

Opal nodded his head with a soft snort. 'It is up to you and I, human, to find the other members of our band.'

Talon shrugged. "I know where to find Ryker, but I have no idea where to search for the other ones."

Opal gracefully landed on the bridge and trotted over to him. 'That is just one of the reasons why I will come in handy. Here is another, get on.'

A wide smile broke out on Talon's tanned face. "If you insist," he quipped as he hopped onto Opal's back, settling behind his powerful wing-baring shoulders.

Talon hadn't gone flying in several years. He was excited to have the chance again, and this would be the first time he had ever ridden on the back of a winged horse. This creature was much smaller then the one he had fond memories of flying with.

'Here we go,' the prince thought a second before he leapt into the air, swiftly clmbing into the sky by pushing with powerful kicks and beating his large, fluffy-white wings. Wind rushed over them and through their hair like a soothing balm.

"Yaow!" Talon whooped, a broad grin on his handsome face.

Opal responded to his riders enthusiasm with a severe snort. 'This is no time for fun! Our world is on the brink of destruction,' he sternly reminded the human.

Talon frowned. For being such a beautiful creature, the pegasus certainly did have a stiff personality.

"So, where is our first stop?" he asked, ignoring the uncomfortable air that now surrounded them.

'We won't gather Wyng until last as she is in meditation with my Mother at present. The wizard, Zenon, lives within the fiery depths of Mount Nefir and my wings cannot withstand the heat. We will need the help of the dragon lord to reach Zenon's lair.' Opal explained as he flew above the treetops.

"Then we must first seek out Ryker," Talon nodded. "Alright. Head due West of here. I will show you the way to his cave. But be warned, the Valley of Dragons is riddled with winged serpents, both noble and  vicious."

'I will remain on guard,' Opal announced, undaunted by the possibility of danger. He had a duty to preform and would not waiver in his responsibilities.

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