Chapter 4 - A Redeemed Wizard

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The humungous, black dragon of the quite advanced age of almost three thousand years, grunted and nearby stones scattered at the sound. "I didn't trust that deity when he was last upon this world, but he had never done any true wrong. Queen Serenity had misplaced faith that Arlo would be good for this world, but he was a disappointment. After one too many insults, she asked him to return to his starry domain. He has not stepped foot on Ahnwen in twenty-five years, since you were a toddling whelp, my boy."

Talon frowned, "Twenty-five years ago I was five, not an infant."

Ryker waived a sharp, obsidian claw dismissively. "Still a mere babe in my estimations."

"I was tasked with gathering the strength to defeat him. We must travel North to Mount Nefir and speak with the high wizard Zenon, next," Talon explained.

"Hhhmmm," Ryker rumbled, thinking that information over a bit. "Unlike Arlo, Zenon did preform evil deeds in his past. For years he was known as the Black Mage of Discord, before he met the woman who tamed his heart and taught him how to calm his twisted soul. For the last fifteen years he has strove to make up for his foul acts and help those in need. He is quite powerful. Yes, I believe Zenon would be of immense aide to our cause."

The loose stones and boulders of the surrounding ravine shook loose and began to tumble to the bottom of the valley as Ryker eased his massive figure out of his comfortable lair. Talon smiled when he gazed upon the familiar, gigantic size of his adopted father. Opal, however, looked on in awe. The winged stallion had never seen a living creature so large, before.

"What do you say, my boy," Ryker began, a twinkle in his pale eyes, "do you want to ride this old lizard like past times?"

Talon smiled so wide his jaws hurt. He hopped from Opal's back and landed effortlessly on Ryker's broad neck. "You know it!" he quipped in anticipation.


Soaring through the sky, perched upon Ryker's neck, just between his massive shoulder-blades, Talon closed his eyes and reveled in the sting of the wind in his face and the gentle motion of the great dragons flight. Oh, how he had missed this feeling, if only subconsciously, he realized. He promised himself that he would never take dragon flight for granted again, it was the most exhilarating experience in the world, even surpassing a night in the arms of a nymph, as far as this human was concerned.


It took them another day and a half to reach the monster of a volcano that was called Mount Nefir. It was a huge formation, it's base more then three miles wide, it's peak reaching above the clouds. The earth of the mountain was cast in several shades of gray, black, and brown. It was surrounded by thick forests, though not a single tree came within one mile of the base of the mountain. Smoke and steam rose from the cracks in the rock, releasing some of the pent-up pressure.

'This is as far as I go,' Opal stated before they reached the yawning mouth of the volcano's peak. 'The heat, it's too intense for my wings.'

Talon was sweating at his nearness to the great mountain, as well, beads of moisture gathering on his forehead. "I don't think I can enter, either," Talon confessed.

"Go with the pegasus," Ryker instructed, waiting patiently for the man to climb from his neck and leap down onto the back of the winged horse.

"Be careful, Ry!" Talon called out just before the massive dragon plunged into the depths of the enormous volcano.


Ryker only had to fly down around two hundred feet before he landed on the wide ledge that led to the ten feet tall doors that were far too small for him to pass through. He raised a single claw and as gently as he could manage, pounded on the thick iron doors that sealed off the great wizards lair.

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