Chapter 6 - Daughter of the Heavens

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The Eternal Mountain was an immense piece of land that was perpetually green. It was a beautiful, lush place inhabited by plant life and animals of nearly every breed. It was also the tallest mountain in all of Ahnwen, its peaks hidden behind fluffy white clouds.

The City of Clouds sat above the snowy peaks, nestled on the only magically floating landmass in the known world. It was covered in the softest, greenest grass and grew flowers of every scent and color imaginable. There were no human constructed buildings or homes in the pegasus city. Instead, there were several dozen open, white marble gazebos, most furnished with very, very large nests roomy enough for small families of pegasi.

The largest gazebo sat on the top of a rounded hill, and the elegant structure was built out of pure, glittering gold. Dark green ivy vines climbed up the tall columns and billowy curtains gave privacy to the occupants.

Pegasi of every color flew or trotted across the grassy fields. Energetic fillies and colts imitated their parents as they learned to walk, run, or fly. It was a breathtaking, serene community. Opal greeted a fellow pegasus here and there, never pausing as he led their party towards the royal gazebo.

Two tall, powerfully built warhorses with matching black coats stood guard beside the entrance to the large, square structure.

'Your Highness, welcome back,' they greeted the prince in unison as they both bowed their heads low, nearly touching the ground with their long snouts.

'Thank you Ebony, Cole,' Opal returned. 'I am here to collect Wyng. Is she still in meditation with my mother?'

'We have just concluded, my Son,' a strong, though feminine voice replied from behind the thin gauze curtains.

The cream colored fabric was nudged aside and a beautiful white mare, with a mane and tail as multi-hued as the rainbow, gracefully stepped down until she stopped before the group of males who stood in probably the most unusual array of species to ever come together. Her wings were snowy white, each feathered tip cast in a different color. Her eyes were like liquid gold as she assessed each member individually, gifting Talon with a small, secretive smile - a strange expression for a horse.

They all bowed deeply to the pegasus ruler. She was perhaps the best loved and most respected of all the sovereigns of Ahnwen.

Queen Serenity affectionately bumped noses with her son. 'Welcome home, Son. I trust your quest has been fruitful. But the toughest challenge is still on the horizon.'

Opal bobbed his white head in understanding. 'We are prepared and eager to end Arlo's evil before he can do harm. Is Wyng ready?'

Queen Serenity inclined her head in a supremely regal nod. 'She will be out presently. I expect that I'll have no need to remind you to protect her.'

Opal let slip a soft snort. 'Of course, I will protect her with my life.'

"As will I, Your Majesty," Talon pledged, going down on one knee before the good pegasus queen.

Just then a dainty, bare foot attached to a long, pale leg, extended from behind a curtain, quickly followed by the rest of a woman who looked nearly the same as a human, if not for her ivory wings, her star-blue eyes, and her extraordinary beauty.

Talon's breath caught as he took in her loveliness. He opened his mouth to speak, but her words froze the sound in his throat. "Perhaps I will be the one to protect you, Brother." She smiled at the white pegasus with warmth and Talon became speechless. Brother? How could they be related? Unless...? He looked between Serenity, Opal, and Wyng, making minute comparisons. They all had one thing exactly in common, their perfectly white wings.

The winged woman turned to address the alliance of unlikely heroes. "Thank you all for coming," Wyng began, standing between the Queen and Prince Opal. "In just a few moments we will be on our way to face an opponent who is far stronger then any of you have fought in the past. And yes, he is your enemy. I promise you that. And how do I know that for sure, you might ask?"

Wyng raised her chin, her expression strong, yet her eyes glittered, just faintly, with moisture. "I am Wyng, daughter of the deity known as the Sky God, Arlo. I have... glimpses into his psyche and I have learned of his plans to burn this world and everything on it. As his kin, I feel a duty to stop him, but I cannot do it alone. He is coming, he is coming very soon. And I do not know if we'll make it in time to stop him."

Opal nudged his sisters arm gently to comfort and sooth her. Queen Serenity continued for the distressed young woman. 'What Wyng says of Arlo is true. What she failed to express is that she is my daughter as well and has been raised here, in the City of Clouds. She has not even met Arlo. But one of her demigod powers allows her limited, random access into her fathers mind. I believe in her predictions. Please, friends, do not delay. Take the Sky Road at the Northern end of the city. There you will meet with Leon, the Guardian of the Road. He will allow you to pass with the presence of Opal and Wyng. You must head forth at once. And thank you all for your help.'

"We will not let down the creatures of Ahnwen, my Queen," Ryker promised, bowing his massive head in respect.

"Leave it to us, Your Majesty," Talon agreed, climbing onto Ryker's broad neck.

"There is one whom I would protect with my life," Zenon said quietly. "I will assist in defeating this foe for her sake."

'Come, Wizard, I will be your steed in this battle,' Opal offered. He bumped noses with the Queen of the pegasi as Zenon mounted him. 'Ease your mind, Mother. We will win this fight.'

Wyng embraced the Queen's sturdy neck. "Yes, please return to your meditation and await our return. We will not fail."

"Go with love, with strong hearts, and with swift wings." Serenity said in farewell as the party of five lifted into the air and flew off towards the only open passage into the Heavens.


Leon stood at the entrance to The Road, remaining as still as a statue. If someone unfamiliar with him would have stopped to glance, they would have assumed that he was the perfectly imitated replica of a large, tawny-maned lion. But Leon was no ordinary lion. He was a Watcher, a being created by the Earth Goddess to guard the passage between Heaven and and the World. He was more then twice the size of an ordinary lion, his coat shone like gold, and his mane was as brilliant as the sunrise. He took his duty very seriously. He had allowed no one to pass through The Road in over two decades, since Arlo had returned to the sky.

However, even though it had been a very long time since he had had visitors, and years longer since he had allowed anyone to pass him, Leon did not bat an eye at the approach of the extremely unusual gathering of creatures.

"Hero Alliance," he announced as they stepped before him. "I was beginning to wonder if you would show at all. There is turmoil in the Heavens. The Sky God is planning something terrible. You must stop him."

"That is why we have come," Wyng answered for the group. "We must pass over the Sky Road and confront him. We will keep him from breaching the sky with his malicious intent."

Leon bowed deeply before them. "Then you all may pass, my Princess. May the Earth Goddess watch over you in your quest."

"Thank you, Leon," Wyng humbly replied with a graceful bow of her own. "Before this day is out, we will return from The Road victorious."

Together the alliance of heroes glided up the wide black path towards the bright, golden Sun, each mentally preparing themselves for the fight to come, the battle that would determine the fate of the world.

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