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How to Break a Mask

Author: Kinomi Akai

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto...well, it would have a bunch of episodes at first...and then wait a few years and have another few episodes...and then wait another three or four years...you get the idea :P

Summary: An incident at the festival on Oct. 10th reveals that there is a lot that everyone doesn't know about Naruto. Smart!Naruto, Sasunaru/Narusasu, Rated M to be safe

Pairings: Sasunaru/Narusasu, mentions of KakaIru.

Warnings: Shonen-ai, yaoi, boy x boy, whatever to want to call it.

Author's Note: I bet you all can hardly believe your eyes! I can't either! But that's it - it's finally finished! TEN YEARS!

"Blah" – talking

'blah' – thinking

'blah' – Kyuubi talking

***   ***   ***

Chapter 14: Epilogue

"Oi, teme, hurry up!" Naruto practically dragged Sasuke to the door, who was taking his sweet time in putting on his shoes.

"Yeah, yeah," he smirked.

"Come on! It's so awesome!"

"Naruto, the last time you told me your team did something "awesome", it was to show me one of your boys could do your sexy no jutsu," Sasuke spoke in an amused voice.

Naruto turned around with wide eyes. "That was amazing! Sasuke, I never told him how to do it, only that I could do it, and he made it up on his own!" Naruto's voice was filled with wonder.

"Are you sure Konohamaru didn't teach it to him?" He asked, locking the door to their home behind them. It had taken some time, but Naruto and Sasuke had moved out of the main Uchiha manor, and constructed a new house for themselves on the property. The manor had been renovated, and was now an orphanage, and Naruto's favourite place to volunteer at.

Naruto stopped in his tracks. "Oh...I guess he could have..."

Sasuke put an arm around Naruto's shoulders. "Dobe. I'll ask him."

Naruto smiled. "Okay teme. But you still have to see this!"

"Okay, okay," Sasuke smirked. "Lead the way."

***   ***   ***

Team Seven, although no longer officially a team, spent no less time together. In fact, pretty much all missions they were sent on were with part or all of the team. Naruto, after some time as an ANBU, had taken his own Jounin team – and by taken, I mean really taken to it. He had one of the most successful and promising teams of the generation, and in spite of his mask now firmly dead and buried, still never let anyone hear the end of it.

***   ***   ***

"Kotarou! Show Sasuke-teme what you showed me!" Naruto said, running up to the younger boy.

"Hello Uchiha-Sensei," the boy nodded respectfully. Sasuke smirked as Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Do it!" Naruto encouraged.

The boy nodded, took a moment to center himself, and then ran towards one of the trees at the border of the training ground. He reached the tree – and kept running, all the way until he reached the tallest branch that would support his weight.

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