Screams Unheard

28 2 7

Maddie's POV:
We split like bananas after hearing that me and Justin ran down the Halls to what looked like the old gym room and saw the Locker room doors where open we went in the rooms with concrete floors and went down the flight of stairs and saw that the doors where wide open we ran out free until we realized that the field was under a huge cage the lights turned on to reveal two figures in the middle of the field both in  Devil costumes win pitch forks.

"Maddie we need to go"I herd Justin say but I was frozen in fear. The two figures approached with such speed I questioned if they were even human still I was able to move until I get a hand hit my face then it came into focus I sprinted back to the door opening I made it in but Justin was left on the other side.

"I love you Maddie" he said as her turned and dodged the fury blow from the killers he ran to the other door as did I only to see the cage go down again. As if someone was watching controlling the game. This time he could not get away the blood sprayed all over my Chanel Jacket.

"Don't forget me" were his last words as he was stabbed over and over again my scream seemed to ensure an empty void I ran up the stairs into the gym and made it to the gym as the doors slammed shut Bryce and Julia on the other side both screaming and pointing. I turned and saw a killer I screamed and ran. I fell almost to the next door I looked up to see the killer with a knife. Is this really my end, GOD, I closed my eyes.........

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