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Killer #1's POV:

The girl walked into the library she was so confused as to what was making the sound I had to contain my excitement it was my first kill and I could not wait. The doors to the room slammed shut, the girl ran to them and started to scream and pound on the door and I could not contain my laughter any longer I came out of the old cabinet I was hiding in. She whipped around tears streaming down her face.

"Please don't kill me I have done nothing wrong I am a good girl" she pleaded.

"I will make a deal with you' I said.

"What is it I will do anything" she said.

"I will close my eyes and count to five and if you can get away and hide you get to live longer" The doors opened and she ran I closed my eyes and counted knowing she would not get far.

I opened my eyes and made my way down the hall my knife scrapping the lockers until I could here a faint breath come out of the one I was standing. I could not help myself I could not wait anylonger I threw the door open to find her she kicked me down across the hall. It did no good she was a slow runner and I loved it the chase the hunt it felt amazing to be in controle. I grabbed her shoulder and pinned her against the locker. Taking her head I bashed it against the locker she screamed out in pain blood trailing down her kneck. I wanted to see more.

"Please don't" I stabbed her in the gut blood gushed out of her body all over my outfit I stabbed her again and again then I sliced her knees and dropped her on the ground and left her. Her eyes followed me all the way down the hall I could feel it but I did not care I loved it.

Natures POV:

Why did she do this to me we once where friends I remember those days years ago we would run around like everything was perfect and now her I am dying alone just as she said I would she was always right. I had nothing left to do but close my eyes and leave this life behind and hope for a better one.

Dayce's POV:

"Did anyone find her I swore I herd her scream" I asked everyone. No one replied answering my question no one knew were she went. A tear streamed down my face knowing this was the end of the line for me and my friends and it was all my fault I forced them to come when we should have just stayed home and went to bed. We made it back to the kitchen and the scene was horrible. On the table Natures body was sliced open with forks sticking out of her body and a note that read

Bone appite thought you might want a little something to eat ~love your Killer.

everything was in slow motion the screams from my friends was a dull roar I fell to the ground crying and hitting the floor I wanted to get out I just want this all to be over.

"Two more hours and you will get to leave" said a voice"

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