Chapter 11

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**TW Frank talk of abuse**

An ambulance came and took an extremely hurt, but unburt, Alice to the hospital. Stiles' father came to the scene as soon as he heard and took Stiles to the hospital himself.

"Dad, can you drive any faster? I mean your the freakin' Sheriff, you can speed if you want!" Stiles snapped, letting his emotions get the best of him.

"Stiles, calm down," The Sheriff looked over at his son who had tears filling his eyes. "She'll be okay, they said that her injuries weren't as bad as they looked." The Sheriff lied to Stiles, trying not to upset him more than he already was. Stiles nodded his head, looking out at the window.

"She can't die, Dad."

"It'll be okay, son."

"No, dad. I can't- I, I... she can't die, she just can't."


Eventually, Stiles and his dad made it to the hospital where Stiles rushed inside. Melissa saw him and grabbed him to calm him down. "Stiles," She held him back. "You can't go back there. You need to be checked out."

"I need to see if she's okay, I need to see if she's alive," Stiles tried pushing past Melissa, but she shoved him into a seat.

"Look, you can go see her when she's stable, but you don't want to see her like this. Now, let me examine you." Stiles reluctantly agreed to let her check him. "So it looks like you might have a concussion, a sprained wrist, and some superficial cuts." Melissa looked up at the Sheriff with concern filling her eyes. "Why don't you call Scott, huh?"

The Sheriff pulled Melissa aside and asked, "So how much did you lie to him?"

Melissa looked back at Stiles who was currently on the phone with her son, "She's in really bad shape. The car literally blew up, it's a miracle that girl is even still alive."

Eventually, Scott showed up to find a stitched up Stiles waiting in the lobby of the ER, just waiting for a chance to check on Alice. Stiles looked up to see his friend walking in and walked up to him. They embrace in a hug, Scott trying to comfort his friend and Stiles trying not to let his friend see him upset. They walked to the seats outside of Alice's room and sat down.

"What the hell happened, Stiles?" Scott asked, staring at his hurt friend.

"I- I don't know. We were turning and we had a green light and this car it just- it just came out of no where. It was like it was trying to hit us I-" Stiles put his hands in his jacket pocket and felt something in it. He pulled out the box that Alice had given him before the accident.

Scott noticed Stiles fiddling with something. "What is that?" he inquired.

"It's a gift that Alice gave me, before we broke up."

"Wait, you guys broke up? Why?" Scott became even more concerned for his friend.

"Because, Scott, I told her. I told her everything and she thought that the whole thing was fake. Scott, she has to know it was real, she has to know that it was real," Stiles got up, put the gift back in his pocket, and started pacing around.

"She will. I'll make sure that she knows."

At that moment Stiles' dad walked in. He looked around for his kid, and when he made eye contact with Stiles, both Stiles and Scott got up to go talk to the Sheriff.

"So, did you find anything out? Did you find out who hit us?" Stiles asked. He couldn't do anything to help Alice, so he might as well find out who almost killed her.

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