Chapter 15

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The next day, Stiles decided to break from his friend's rules and visit Alice during his lunch period. When he arrived at Alice's room, he was holding a bag of food, which surprises Alice. "Hey, what are you doing here?" she asked, taking one of the bags from him.

"I just thought that I would have lunch with you today. I brought salads!" He pointed at her bag, with a goofy smile on his face.

"So you're trying to bribe me with food," Alice looked down at the food and over at Stiles, who went from smiling to looking more stressed than usual. "Why are you really here, Stiles? I thought that we agreed that you weren't going to visit me until after lacrosse practice... we had a system laid out. One that I worked very hard on with Lydia."

"It's nothing, I just didn't sleep very well last night," Stiles looked down at his food, not looking up at Alice.

She begins to worry. "Are you having nightmares again?" She asked, taking his hand and looking very deep into his yes, "Or is it sleep walking? I remember you saying that you had trouble with that a while ago." Alice noticed that he was now smiling up at her, "What?"

"Nothing, it's nothing," He looked up at her and she was giving him a look saying 'I know you aren't telling me something'. "Fine, I came here to get your chain from you and decided that I would bring you lunch as well. So that way I wasn't just taking something, I was also giving."

"Ah, how sweet. But I can't let you have this chain."

"Why not?" Stiles asked, genuinely confused.

"Well, it was my mothers and it was the last thing she gave me before she died. This chain, my bird, and the bestiary are the only things I've been able to keep in foster care. I've never taken it off, and I never will."

"Makes sense, but what if I told you that this chain could tell us what you are? Scott said that he could give it to Deaton, which would help in our investigations!"

"You're investigations don't normally go well!" Alice said, not budging on the topic. 

"Hey! I normally lead the investigations, thank you very much."

"Well, how many times have you gotten caught, or almost caught, or in trouble?" Stiles didn't answer, which made Alice laugh. "Exactly, so why doesn't Deaton just come here and I can show him the necklace. Or, we have this really cool thing called picture phones that can snap a picture and be sent to someone else! I know it's a pretty crazy idea, but I promise it's real!" Alice joked. Stiles mocked laughing at her, causing her to actually laugh.

"Fine, I'll send a picture to Scott and he can show Deaton." Stiles took a picture of the inscription on the chain and sent it to Scott. As Stiles was putting his phone back in his pocket and going back to his lunch, they hear a commotion going on outside.

"What was that?" Stiles said, standing up to go look outside. But, before he could get to the door, it swung open and a small device came through it.

"What the hell?" Alice gasped, slowly getting up. She was still healing from the accident, so she was still aching. The device blew, sending smoke into the room. There was an obvious struggle, and when Melissa finally made it into the room, the two of them were gone. The room was empty beside a single bullet casing, a casing that Melissa knew Scott would recognize.


Meanwhile, Scott decided to go to Deaton's during lunch. He thought that if he could figure out exactly what Alice is, that maybe he could protect her and Stiles. Scott went inside and looked for Deaton.

"Hey, Deaton," Scott says. When he found Deaton, he was taking care of Alice's bird. "Oh, that's where Alice's bird is!" Scott laughed to himself.

"Yes, didn't Stiles tell you when he brought it?" Deaton asked, looking at a very confused Scott.

"Oh, no he's been pretty busy lately, so I guess it never came up in conversation," Scott said, kind of disappointed. Stiles probably told him, but Scott has been so busy with SAT prep, school work, and the list, that he and his friend hadn't really had time for one another.

"Did you bring what I asked?" Deaton closed the bird cage and walked with Scott to the examination room.

"I couldn't physically get it, but Stiles just sent me a picture, see." Scott gave Deaton his phone with the picture pulled up began to examine it, looking at the inscription.

"Le feu à l'intérieur protège la gemme. The fire within, protects the gem." Deaton said, trasnlating the inscription.

"Why is that so special?" Scott asked, taking his phone from Deaton.

"Well, from what you told me about her transformation, I had a feeling that I knew what she was. This saying, well, it confirms my suspicions," Deaton said, putting the chain down and looking up at Scott.

"What exactly does it confirm?" Scott asked, but before Deaton could answer, Scott's phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, to see that his mom was calling. "Sorry," He said to Deaton as he turned around to answer his phone. "Hey, mom can I call you back later I'm kind of busy ri-" Scott was cut off by his mom on the phone. "Wait, slow down. What do you mean they're gone? Gone how?" Scott slowly lowered his phone, worrying his boss.

"Scott, is everything okay?" Deaton asked, stepping to him.

"No, uh, Stiles and Alice were taken from the hospital. They don't know where they are and, uh, my mom says, she says," Scott was starting to get upset, which prompted Deaton to sit him in one of the seats.

"Just take a deep breath, Scott. What did your mother say?" Deaton asked, caring for the frightened Scott.

"She said that it was Gerard, and that he had a werewolf with him."

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