Chapter 16

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It was graduation day, and Stiles was happy to see his friends and family around him. Alice, Scott, Allison, and Lydia had survived to senior year and were ready to walk across that stage with him. Lydia, of course, was valedictorian, and Scott, well, Scott was running late as usual.

"He's going to get here, I promise. He wouldn't miss graduation," Allison said, grabbing his arm and squeezing it in support.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, I just," Stiles was looking around for his friend trying not to show the anxiety he was feeling. "I have a bad feeling."

"What kind of bad feeling?" Alice asked, stepping towards him. He wasn't looking at her, but when he finally turns towards her, he saw her eyes glowing.

"Alice, your eyes!" Stiles called out turning her away from the crowd.

"What Stiles," She said, putting her hand to his face. "It doesn't matter," her talons were out and her teeth were showing. "We're all going to die anyway. And there's nothing you can do about it." Stiles looked down at Alice, who was bleeding from a cut on her stomach. She began to fall and cough blood, Stiles caught her and went down to the ground with her.

Stiles looked up, trying to stop the bleeding, and said "Allison, Lydia, help me!" But when he looked up, they are gone, and he is in an empty field. "Allison! Lydia! Where did you guys go?" He began to furiously try to stop the bleeding. "Alice, Alice, you have to stay with me. You can't die, okay? You can't!"

Alice grabbed his hand, and says, "It's okay Stiles, there's nothing you could have done."

Suddenly, Stiles jolted up awake. He looked around and saw that he is in a dark cell, remembering what had happened earlier. He remembered screaming, items being thrown, and- Alice! He searched his pockets for his phone, but couldn't find it anywhere. So, he decided that it would be easier to search around blind and call out for her. "Alice?" he shouted.

"Over here!" Alice called out, obvious strain in her voice.

"Alright, I'll follow your voice, just keep saying something." Stiles began fumbling in the dark.

"Okay, what am I supposed to say?" Alice shouted, with Stiles still trying to look for her.

"Anything, anything at all."

"Well, um, I've been thinking about what you guys told me, about how I was changing, and I had done some research on it while you were at school. I couldn't find anything, which I thought was super strange and-" Alice talked until Stiles finally got to her. He felt around and noticed chains surrounding her.

"Is this- are there chains on you?" Stiles asked, trying to pull the chains off of the ground.

"Yeah, yeah there is," Alice said quietly.

"Well, that would have been nice information to know," Stiles said, still trying to to get her out of the chains.

"I didn't want to bother you."

"Bother me? Wh- why, I-" Stiles grunted in frustration, leaving Alice confused.

They were then startled by the lights suddenly turning on. Alice and Stiles winced at the flooding of harsh, white light. It takes a while for their eyes to adjust to the light, but when they did, Stiles saw that Alice had chains around her neck, leading to the floor. But they weren't your average chains, there was something different about them. They looked like tubes, but stronger than your average plastic.

"Hello, Stiles, long time no see," a familiar voice called out.

"No, it can't be," Stiles said to himself.

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