The Ring

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Chapter 1: The Ring

I swung my staff with all my strength. As I hit his neck it cuts through his bone making a screeching sound. His head free falls to the floor with a loud boom and so much blood rushing out of it... wait you must be at least little confused as to why I'm killing this guy, well it all started when...

5 months ago...

My alarm clock rang, beep beep beep. Oh no, I'm late! Wait, let me stop the story again. As you can see I'm not the most responsible person, I almost forgot, what is a diary without an introduction. My name is Slang, and I am writing in this book for if I go missing or worse everybody will know what happened to me. Let it be known, that I, Slang, am in a contract with one of the worst kinds of monsters that even your nightmares can't fathom. Except those monsters are real, but i'm getting ahead of myself.

I jumped out of my bed, throwing on whatever clothes I could find within my reach. I ran downstairs so fast that it seemed as if I actually had any desire to leave my bed this morning. I didn't really have anyone to say goodbye. My parents were always away on business trips. You see, money was their real child I was just, well, nothing to them. I ran out of the house. I'm 16 and despite my parents love for money I didn't have a car, so the trip to Scarsdale high school was hard to do.

Halfway to school I'm stopped by my best friend Rin, "Why in such a rush?" he asked in his most relaxed voice.

"I'm late for school!" I said in response as I attempted to catch my breath.

He seemed to still really not care but then I remembered that Rin goes to the same school as me.

"Rin, you go to the same school as me!" I shouted at him.

"Yeah, but it's 7:30. We have 30 minutes. We have nothing to worry about." He said still very chill.

"Rin not to alarm you, but its 8:26 AM." I said trying not to get mad.

"No, look at my watch. It says it's 7:30" He responded still trying to convince me.

"Rin, I think that watch is out of battery" I stated very plainly.

"Is it you really? How can you tell? They should really have something to tell you it's out of batteries!" He said shaking watch as if that was gonna fix the problem.

"Goes to show if I ever followed you, I would probably be in jail" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Wait...we are late!" Rin said in sudden realization.

"Yes! You barely processed that." I said holding back the urge to flick him in the forehead.

How could we be late on the first day back to school! I blink for a second and in the next I see Rin start sprinting. He doesn't even look back at me. I guess it's every man for himself. When Rin and I finally got to the school there this weird feeling. And no, it wasn't just that feel you get when you're gonna get detention. It was odd, like a creepy presence was at the school. We realized the school was abandoned and it wasn't because no one came but because everybody was already in their class!

To make things worse, it wasn't easy to find our classroom either. It wasn't because we were stupid, but because the classroom was on the other side of the school and there were no one to ask so you really can't blame us! Once we found the classroom (after 12 minutes of searching) I stopped Rin and warned him that the second we both walk in everyone inside was going to judge us with their eyes. In typical Rin style he told me there's nothing to worry about but the second we walked in the exact thing I said would happen happened. All of them look at us like total idiots as we did the walk of shame to our seats.

The day seemed normal, but everyday seems normal until it isn't. I'll never forget that fateful day I looked out the window and I saw for the first time the glare of the devil. I heard the tortured souls call my name "Slang...slang...slaaaang". I would have thought myself hallucinating but no matter how many times I rubbed my eyes or pinched my arm the devil never left.

"Have you seen my rinnnng?"

The voice couldn't have been talking about my ring, could it? No, that ring was passed down to me from my dad. What would it be worth to anyone? It only has sentimental value. It's worthless.

"Slang you don't understand I might as well walk into my coffin if I don't find that ring!" The voice whisper shouted at me

"Wait... umm devil person sir aren't you already dead?" I whispered back like a crazy person.

"What? No Slang it's me Rin! who are you calling devil, you're the devil in our friendship!" Rin said in shock.

"Oh Rin, thank god I though i was going crazy. Thank god its just my crazy friend! But how did you pull off that devil hologram outside my window?" I replied in relief.

"What? Whatever look we need to focus! I need that ring." Rin exclaimed.

"Look Rin if you're that worried I'll help you find it after school but I kind have to at least pretend I'm paying attention" I said giving into my friends wishes.

"Thank you!" he whispered in glee.

Two hours later school is almost over. Maybe it's just me, but I'm afraid Rin's head might just explode from thinking if the bell doesn't sound quick enough. The bell finally goes off and before the teacher can even dismiss us, Rin bolts out of the class. He went so fast I didn't even see which way he went! After looking for him for a while with no victory I decided to just go home. I walk out of the school and there the ring was, tucked into the edge of the entrance steps. The second I picked it up I felt a sting like feeling. I knew this had to be the famous ring Rin was searching for, because whenever he wore it (which was every day) I would see that beautiful ruby on the ring in the shape of an X.

I would give it to him the next day or so I thought. When I got to my house, I put the ring on the counter close to my bed. I was going to get ready to go to sleep, but I looked at the ring again and just like any human I had to try it on. When I tried to put it on it wouldn't let me. It was as if there was a wall separating my finger and the ring. At the time, I thought it was because I was just tired. So I put it back on the counter and laid down on my bed. my eyes were about to close then I hear glass break. I turn towards my counter but the ring was gone. I quickly jumped up and ran up to my window. There was a man in a black suit holding a staff and the ring slides onto his hand.

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