The Man in Black

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Chapter 2: The Man in Black

A man in a black jumpsuit broke in and stole the ring. He jumped from rooftop to rooftop distancing himself further and further away. Knowing the man was too far away for me to catch him, I picked up my phone and called Rin. The call went straight to voicemail. There wasn't much I could accomplish in the dead of night and so I begrudgingly went back to bed. But as I laid in my bed I promised I would receive some answers about the mysterious ring and why someone would be willing to risk being caught just to steal it.

The next day woke up and got ready to go to school as per usual. I found Rin waiting on the bench outside almost like he was expecting me. I ran over to him excited about seeing him. Rin would be so curious and upset about the ring that he'd surely master up an excellent rescue plan.

"Rin! Boy am I glad to see you? Didn't you get my call last night? Anyways that's not really important, you won't believe what happened last night! I found your ring but then some mystery ninja stole it in the middle of the night. It was so freaky! It was like it was something out of a movie!" I explained to him excitedly but Rin's face remained impassive.

"It doesn't matter," Rin said dismissively.

"Are you okay Rin because just yesterday you were rambling on and on about how important that ring is but today I tell you I found the ring and some strange guy stole it and you don't care?" I asked worriedly.

It wasn't like Rin to go from caring about something to simply not caring.

"Just leave me alone..." Rin said quickly getting up and moving as far away from me as possible.

While in class, I observed Rin. I thought maybe he was just having a bad day, but Rin didn't seem mad, he looked more like he was scared and paranoid. Something really strange has to be going on. Rin is never scared. He's so carefree and mellow never paranoid.

I was going ask about it during lunch, but he never showed up to the cafeteria. Just as I was about to begin my hunt for Rin, I got a call from my sister, Grace. Grace is really the only family I got see during the year. We would have seen each other more regularly if our parents hadn't decided to enlist her in an all girls private school a few towns over.

"Hi, Slang! When are you coming home? I miss you brother. And don't forget you owe me ice cream!! Remember I like mint chocolate chip and nothing else." Grace's happy voice rang through the line making me slightly smile at her crazy antics.

Sisters, can't live with them but can't live without them. Just before I tell Grace the time school ends I remember last night's incident. No way did I want my little sister in a house where some strange man so easily broke into!

"Gracie, listen to me. Where are you?" I questioned.

"The house, silly. Where else? Did mom and dad buy a new house I'm not aware of? Oh did they finally take my advice and buy a pretty pink mansion! That's so badass." Grace rambled on.

"Grace I need you to shut up for a quick second. You're at the house?" I asked again.

I heard her release an angry sigh before replying, "Yes dear brother of mine I am at our house as I already told you! Now why are you acting like this? Am I not allowed to visit my brother anymore?"

"What? Yes, of course, you can. It's just you didn't tell me and-" I tried to explain but was cut off by her.

"Look I'm busy right now I will call you later. You and I are going to spend so much time together and you're going to love it! Goodbye." Grace replied

"Wait, Gracie no-" I said trying to stop her.

I hear the distinct beep beep beep from the other end of the line and hang up. Grace will just have to be put on hold for now. Hopefully, the strange man got what he wanted and won't be back anytime soon. Right now I needed to find Rin.

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