The Interrogation

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Chapter 4: Searched

The FBI agent restraining me patted me down, checking all my pockets. As he was doing that the other FBI agents stormed around my house going through every room. I guess the guy that handcuffed was the chief because one of the guys came up with letter which the guy read out loud. It said "Slang, by now you have figured out that I left. I don't know what is going on with you recently but whatever it is, you need to figure out. I cannot and I won't stand to watch you become someone who lies to their only sister. I'm better off at school. Sincerely, Grace".

They kept asking me questions but I did not answer, I couldn't even formulate coherent thoughts. They dragged me towards a police car and stuffed me inside. The officers drove and soon we arrived at the police station. They led me directly to what looked like one of those interrogation rooms that cops use on terrorists in the movies. I was maneuvered towards a metal chair in the middle of the room. There wasn't any windows, just one exit, the door we entered from. In front of the chair that they shackled my ankles and wrists to, was a drain. My imagination went wild, was that drain ment to clean up my blood?

The officers blinded me and proceeded to shout at me. It was total sensory deprivation. I think I was in shock because I just froze. I kept waiting to wake up from this nightmare. This couldn't be real. Suddenly the shouting paused as a prominent loud knock filled the room. I don't know what it was about that knock but it instilled enough fear in me to get me out of my shock state. I could hear the men shuffling around the room. The took off my blindfold but as they did the power went out. The chains holding me in place suddenly opened. Without thinking I lunged at the door. This was my only escape.

I blotted out of the police station in the dark as officers scrambled to catch me and turn on the lights. When I got out you would have expected that they would be right on my tail, but oddly enough when I turned back there wasn't anyone behind me. As confused as I was I couldn't afford to ask too many questions. I kept running, never slowing down until I saw my house. I know it's dumb to head back to the one place they know I might go to but I needed answers. When I got to my house I saw a mysterious black bag sitting on the doorstep.

Gingerly I picked it up. Inside I found papers with my information on it. There was files with all the evidence they had on me. I paused trying to figure this all out. What did all this mean? Was I a free man now or did I have to buy the next ticket out of here? Would this information give me what I needed to prove I am innocent or would it just damn me more. Well I don't know. To be honest all I know is that I'm feeling really paranoid but it doesn't seem unjustified.

I noticed the house was still missing the front door. I cautiously step through it. I look around at what was once my home, now in tethers. I carry myself further into the house looking for well I didn't really know then but I was looking for anything that would help me make sense of the chaos that my life has turned into.I slowly walked up the stairs of my house. Every time I stepped it made a creaking sound that made me a bit more nervous every time like I was waiting to be attacked. Just as I was going open my bedroom door I noticed a blue shine hit the corner of my eye. I moved my hand from the doorknob and turned to further investigate.

It was a ring. The exact same style of Rin's ring. A solid gold ring with a X at it center. Everything about this ring was the same as Rin's except for the the color of the X. Upon further examination I realized with great shock that the X was made of a very rare stone, iolite.

I was just about to take it off to further examine it, when I heard wind pass my ear. I turned around and saw the man in black at the bottom of my stairs. I ran into my father's room locking the door behind me. I knew a locked door meant nothing to the man in black so I looked for my father's handgun. I cocked the gun turn back around to face the intruder when the man took out a gun too and pointed it to my head.

Using some kind of voice changer the man in black told me that I didn't need the gun in my hand. That he wasn't a danger to me. I don't know if I believed him in that moment but I did know I could really fire a gun and the probability that he can was high, so I slowly lowered the gun on the floor trying not to scare him into pulling the trigger. In response, he put his gun away and took off his black mask.

You wouldn't believe me if you were here yourself but the man behind the black mask was Rin, my best friend. I backed away from him in fear. Never in all my life had I seen Rin with a serious face. He slowly removed his dark black gloves and flashed his identical ring at me. I didn't know what I was supposed to be thinking or doing, but suddenly a blue flame burst from his hand like in the movies. Dude, is that some magical shit or what!

I asked "Were you the person that broke me out of jail by fucking with the power?"

"Of course, we're best friends man." He replied.

But all I could think was, holy shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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