Movie Night

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John: All right, lads, so tonight is movie night at my place.

Ringo: Ooh, movies at Johnny's. What movie are we going to watch?

George: One of our movies. I haven't seen A Hard Day's Night in a while.

Paul: I don't want to watch one of our movies. I'm thinking an 80s movie.

John: What about a terrible 80s movie?

Ringo: No, that would be terrible. Hahahahahaha . . .

Paul: . . .

John: That was terrible.

George: That was sad, Ringo.

Paul: What about a sad 80s movie?

Ringo: What about Breakfast Club?

John: *snort* That movie isn't sad. It's stupid.

Ringo: How dare you talk trash on BC!

George: That's cute.

Paul: Oh, so we're abbreviating movies now? What about PiP?

George: Pip? What kind of movie title is that?

Paul: Pretty in Pink, you sod.

George: Oh, I gotcha.

John: Do you people have any taste whatsoever? Pretty in Pink? Breakfast Club? I choked on my cornflakes after reading those comments. My vote for an 80s movie is Caddyshack. That's a hilarious movie.

Ringo: I like the gopher.

George: Bill Murray is pretty funny.

Paul: I don't know this movie.

John: What?!? You know those two chick flicks, but you don't know Caddyshack? I'm un-friending you.

Paul: *eye-roll* You're un-friending everyone.

George: *grins* I'm John's only friend now.

John: I still have Yoko.

George: *sigh* I'm definitely disappointed.

Ringo: Caddyshack, then? Cue Kenny Loggins, somebody!

John: I'm alright/nobody worry 'bout me.

Paul: Oh, wait a minute, I know that movie.

John: Try to keep up, McCartney. There for a second I thought you were a girl.

Paul: That's it, Lennon. I don't have to take this.

John: You're right. You should probably log off.

Paul: That's not what I meant.

John: See you guys at six. Remember to bring a tissue box, Paulie.

George: Caddyshack is not a sad movie.

John: I know, but McCartney still might need a tissue box. He's quite sensitive, you know.

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