Telling the Kids/ Discharge

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   Olivia stays with Kathy Jr. as Elliot picks up Kathleen, Lizzie, and Richard from school and tell Maureen to meet him at the hospital. They get to the hospital at the same time and Elliot says,"You ready to meet your little sibling."
   "Yes," they all say in unison.
   Elliot takes them back to the room and walks in to see Olivia bottle feeding Marie(that will be what they call Kathy Jr.) Olivia looks up and gives the kids a fake smile before her and Elliot tell his kids the bad news. "Where is mom? Shouldn't she be breastfeeding the baby?" Lizzie asks.
   Olivia gets up still bottle feeding Marie and says,"We have two things to tell you. One the baby is a girl and your dad named her Kathy Marie Stabler Jr. He wants to call the name she goes by though to be Marie."
   They nod knowing it would be confusing if there were two Kathy's. "Why did dad name her? Did mom agree?" Richard asks.
   Olivia looks at Elliot as she burps Marie and then says,"Your dad really wanted to tell you this alone so I'll step outside."
   Olivia goes outside while holding Marie to give her the contact she needed. Maureen, Kathleen, Elizabeth, and Richard face their dad. Elliot says chocking down tears,"You're-You're mom she umm she died. Olivia and her were in a umm car accident and umm she made it long enough to umm give birth and hold Marie. Unfortunately she died and umm they tried everything they umm could possibly do but she was umm gone. I'm sorry," he says a tear escaping.
   Elizabeth says angrily,"Mom died and Olivia has no scratch. This is all Olivia's fault."
   "No Liz. I was supposed to take your mom to her appointment. Something came up and Olivia offered to take her. A drunk guy crashed into Olivia when he was supposed to stop. This is not Olivia's fault. She stayed by your mom and tried to help as much as she could. She helped your mom deliver your sister. She kept your mom alive and conscious but something happened before your mom could get here and she died. Do not blame Olivia for anything she was in tears when she told me what happened."
   "Okay. I'm sorry dad," Liz says.
   Olivia walks in holding a sleeping Marie and says,"Who wants to hold her? I have to pee and the doctors said to keep human contact."
   "I will if you show me," Liz says.
   Olivia hands Marie to Liz and re-adjust her arms so she is holding Marie correctly and says,"There, just like that."
   Olivia smiles and then goes to the bathroom. When she comes back all the kids are in there together and Liv takes a picture before walking in and says,"Where is your dad?"
   "Idk he just kind of walked out of the room," Kathleen says.
   "I'll be right back. I'm going to go find your dad," Liv says as her mind is racing about what El would do.
   "I'll watch them," Maureen says.
   Olivia nods and goes to the first place she can think of that Elliot would go. When she gets there sure enough Elliot is at the holding cells beating the guy that hit her and Kathy. Liv runs over and says,"El stop it. You're the only one your kids have left. Don't do this," Liv pulls Elliot off.
   "They have you," El retorts as he breaks from Liv's grip and hits the guy again.
   Liv pulls him off and an officer takes the guy away. "What do you mean the kids have me?"
   "If me and Kathy were to die or get locked up, or something happened that we both couldn't take care of the kids. Kathy and me agreed that you would take the kids. It's in our joint will."
   Liv takes El to the bathroom in holdings and says,"You never told me this. What was I gonna do if I never knew and I just got custody of 5 kids huh? I never took care of one kid let alone 5. How am I supposed to do that alone?"
   "I don't know. You would have figured it out. You always do Liv."
   "Go back to the hospital, be with your kids. I'll be there as soon as I get this sorted out for you."
   El shakes his head and says,"I want to wait for you."
   Within 10 minutes Liv has it sorted out so the paperwork makes it look like all the injuries Elliot gave him looks like he got it from the car accident. The guy is still so drunk he won't even remember Elliot. Elliot and Olivia go back to the hospital and go to Marie's room. When Elliot and Olivia walk in the room, all the kids are there except Marie. "Where is Marie?" Elliot asks.
   "They took her for some scans to make sure there is no damage from the accident," Maureen responds.
   They all wait for Marie to come back. When she does her doctor says,"You can take her home. She is fine just sign these papers."
   He hands Elliot the papers and Elliot signs them. "Do you want me to come back with you? I'll sleep on the couch and Marie can sleep in the living room with me. I'll take care of her tonight. If you want."
   "Sure," Elliot says smiling at Liv.
   Elliot takes Marie, Elizabeth, and Richard home. Kathleen rides with Maureen and Olivia stops at her apartment to get her toothbrush and clean clothes. They all meet back at the Stabler residence. Olivia orders 3 large pizzas. One supreme, one meat lovers, and one pepperoni, mushroom, and peppers. Everyone sits down and watches tv while waiting for the pizza. Every time Marie cries she reaches for Liv. Liv takes her and calms her down. The doorbell rings and Liv gets up holding Marie and answers it. Liv pays for the food while El grabs the pizza boxes. "Cute family here," the pizza man says to Olivia.
   "Oh I'm not their mom. I'm just their dads partner at work. Their mom just died and I'm helping out."
   Olivia shuts the door in his face and says,"Can I have meat lovers?"
   "How many pieces?" El asks.
   "I'll take three," Liv says sitting down at the table holding Marie.
   Marie feels safe and comfortable in Liv's arms. It's not like Liv wanted this to happen because she isn't Marie's mom but they have a connection because Liv help give birth to Marie. They pray and then dig into their food. Liv eats the three pieces and then grabs a few supreme pieces. Everyone has thirds at the table. Marie starts fussing in Liv's arms so Liv takes her the changing table and changes Marie's diaper with Elliot's help as Liv has never changed a diaper before. Liv then feeds Marie while they watch a movie. Within an hour all the kids go to their rooms and it is just Elliot, Olivia, and Marie in the living room. Marie is asleep in her crib while Olivia and Elliot watch some tv together. Elliot whispers in Liv's ear,"Liv I may have lost my wife today but I love you. It's not the grief talking. If Kathy wouldn't have gotten pregnant after we were divorced I was going to ask you out. I love you more than anything and I only went back to Kathy for the baby but Kathy is dead and Marie loves you."
   "I love you too Elliot. But Kathy was my friend and I think we should at least wait till after the funeral," Liv whispers in El's ear. El nods in agreement.

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