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   Once they arrive at work, Liv immeadately sits down at her desk across from El's, Fin realizes that Liv has been crying, he walks over to her  and says,"Babygirl, talk to me and tell me what is wrong."

   "Our babysitter needs somewhere to live. I have to talk to El about that tonight and it is Aria's first day back since her surgery. You can say I'm worried over nothing but she is my daughter,"Liv says crying into Fin's shoulder.

   "Oh babygirl. You shouldn't be dealing with all this by yourself. You should go talk to El right now about everything that is bothering you,"Fin says.

   Liv nods and says,"Okay, I'm going to go talk to him then."

   Liv walks over to the break room and says,"El, baby, can we talk in private?"

   "Of course we can baby,"El says. "How about we go to the bed room?"

   "Okay,"Liv says following El to the bed room where they sleep while on duty. 

   "So, what do you need to talk to me about?"El asks Liv.

   "Our babysitter needs a place to live. If she can't find a place she will have to move somewhere else and won't be able to babysit anymore. I told her I would talk to you about her living with us and that she could babysit for living there if you said yes,"Liv says on the verge of crying again.

   "Liv, of course she can stay with us. We are already looking for a new house so we will make sure it has a room for her. This is perfect Liv and we don't have wait on her to get there in the mornings,"El says as he hugs Liv.

   "Thank you, El. Now let's get to work,"Liv says hugging El.

   El gets up and then Liv tries to get up but can't. "Do you want my help baby?"El asks.

   "Yes, please. I'm glad all I'm having trouble with is getting up. I haven't had any morning sickness in months!"Liv says as El helps her up.

   "Me too baby. When Kathy was pregnant with the twins she had morning sickness bad. Every 10 minutes she was running to the bathroom,"El says as they walk back to their desk while holding hands.

   Before Liv can sit down at her desk, El answers the SVU phones and says,"Let's go Liv. We have a case and they specifically asked for us because the vic has your card."

   "Okay,"Liv says as she grabs her badge, gun, and coat.

   They walk down to the car and drive to the crime scene. Once they get there Liv throws up in the bushes and says," Damn morning sickness." 

   "Liv, I think you should go home," El says worried about Liv. 

   "No, I am okay," Liv says walking over to the body. 

   They hear some detectives talking about a bomb being in the building. El goes over to them careful of the blood and body. El says,"There is a bomb in this building. Why aren't you trying to get people out of here?"

   "We have gotten all civilians out and to a safe place. The only people here are in this room and all of them know what is going on and they are working as fast as they can to get out. We haven't located the bomb yet though but we have a team searching the area. Is that lady over there pregnant?" Detective Cooper says.

   "Yes, that is my wife," El says.

   "Tell her to get out of here. It's the best thing for her and the baby not to be exposed to the stuff in bombs."

   El walks back over to Liv as the forensic team and the M.E. is leaving. "Liv, you need to leave. There is a bomb here and I'm going to help look for it. I will be okay Livvie."

   "El, if you are staying and helping so am I. I am not leaving you El. I will be okay to search for the bomb. We do work like this everyday," Liv says wondering why El wouldn't want her as backup.

   "Liv, please listen to me. The stuff radiating bomb can and will hurt the babies so please Liv leave," El pleads with Liv.

   "Fine but I'll be right outside and I am calling Amanda and Fin to come. I love you, El. Be safe okay baby."

   "I love you too, Livvie Love. I'll be safe, I promise."

   Liv goes outside and calls Amanda. Liv tells Amanda to bring Fin down to the crime scene. "El is looking for a bomb and I need you Amanda. I'm really scared."

   "I'll be right there with Fin. Stay calm, we don't need your blood pressure rising."

   After Amanda and Fin arrive to stay with Liv, the building blows up with El inside. Liv starts freaking out and says,"Is El going to be okay?"


I know this was a short chapter but I wanted to update for you guys. The next chapter will be better.

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