True Perfection

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Author Note- January 1998/ 1970

"Hey Mam!" Liam came walking through the door.

Of course my door was always open to my boys but he didn't half make me jump when he dropped by like this. He greeted me with a hug.

"Shall I put the kettle on?"

"Yeah, make John one too." He kissed my cheek.

"John's coming?" I asked wondering why they hadn't come in together.

"Yeah, he's sorting the car." He got comfy on the sofa.

"You two want to be careful in this weather." I warned him, it was January, cold, foggy, icy, snow everywhere, not weather I want my boy to be driving in.

"It'll be different in the states."

Before I'd had chance to go to the kitchen John knocked on the door, he always knocked before he came in and I always told him there was no need for my son in law to knock. "Sorry, I forget you don't like it." he said this time.

He went and sat with Liam.

"I'll just make the tea then." I went in the kitchen attempting to listen in on their mutterings but they were quiet and I couldn't hear a thing over the kettle.

I wondered what this visit was in aid of, something seemed a little off about them but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"How've you two been?" I asked once I'd brought the tea through.

"Good, really busy." Liam said and John nodded in agreement. "What've you been doing?"

"Y'know, this and that." I didn't have much interesting to tell them.

We kept talking until I noticed Liam giving John looks, both of them looking quite nervous. "What's the matter?"

"What d'you think about becoming a nan?" Liam blurted.

I didn't know what to say, I didn't think any of my sons were ready for it, especially not Liam, he was still my baby. I didn't think I'd be talking grandchildren with my son who married a man.

"I would love to."

"You're in luck Nan, we're having a kid." he announced.

I smiled from ear to ear. "Really?"

"Yeah, dead serious." he nodded.

"How?" I felt awful as soon as I said it. "I mean are you adopting or...?"

"Aren't you happy for us?" Liam asked.

"Yes! Of course I am, very." I was so overwhelmed with emotion that it had come out wrong. "It's just..."

"Not normal?"

John took his hand. "Calm down, y'can't start snapping when people ask."

"Sorry Mam, I know y'didnt mean it like that." Liam immediately apologised. "We're not adopting, we've got a surrogate."

"You know normal don't mean nothing." I dismissed his little outburst. "Who's your surrogate?"

"Cynthia." John revealed. "We're really close but I still can't believe she agreed to it."

He and her had been best friends since they met in college, she was a lovely, sweet girl but I couldn't believe she'd be so kind either. "Is she pregnant already?"

John got his wallet out and passed me an envelope. They both stayed quiet as I opened it up and pulled out a baby scan.

"Oh my God, you're really pregnant." I said excitedly.

Born on a Different CloudHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin