Words of Love

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I sat on our hotel bed, waiting for Fern to get out the bathroom. I didn't know how she could be taking so long, she was only getting changed.

"Do you think John's thinking about me?" I asked, hoping she hadn't heard as soon as the words were out.

She stuck her head through the door. "What was that?

"Will you just hurry up?" I told her impatiently. "I wanna get to bed."

She walked out in her pajamas, wrapping her arms around me. "He's not thinking of anything but you."

"Gerroff!" I exclaimed but I didn't bother trying to push her away. "I'm just saying, he could be doin' anything."

"He's laying awake all night waiting get to the wedding, just like you."

"I'm gonna sleep fine. I'm waiting for you."

She walked round the bed and got in her side, laying and closing her eyes to sleep. "Night, Liam."

I did the same but we didn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking of how much things could fuck up tomorrow. What if John didn't turn up? Maybe I won't, maybe I'll sneak out and fuck it all off. What if marrying fucked us up? Half of all marriages fail, end in divorce, that's true, right? What if he's different? What if I'm different?

Even with all that going around my head, it was her that moved first, rolling over with a sigh. I couldn't think what she could have to stop her going asleep.

"What's keeping you awake?" I asked.


"Yeah, me neither."

"Thought you were gonna sleep no problem." she mocked.

"You disturbed me, fidgeting."

"Never stopped you sleeping before."

"Alright, I'm nervous." I admitted. "What's your problem?"

"I'm nervous too, it's a big job being your maid of honour."

"You'll be fine, you don't have to sign your life away."

She just had to watch the ceremony, get drunk and have fun. There was fuck all for her that could go wrong for her tomorrow. She didn't have anything to be anxious about.

"No, I just have to wear a big, pink dress and do a speech and everything." she let the anxiety show. "I don't think..."

"Wouldn't ask if you wasn't the best person for it." I assured her.

"Thanks but..."

"Honest. And it's your chance to get off with Macca."

"Paul McCartney, no way!" she objected.

I knew she was gonna say that. She could deny it all she liked I knew she wanted to but all the birds fancy him.

"He's John's best man, it's tradition."

"Is that why Noel's no longer coming?"

"Noel's not coming cos he's a prick! And he was never my maid of honour, only you was." I insisted, he was barely gonna be a guest if someone had convinced me to invite him.

She sniggered at the idea of my brother in that role. "What happened?"

"What normally happens?" I told her, not arsed to get into the details of the latest row. "If not Macca then there's my best man."

"I'm not getting off with anyone tomorrow and definitely not Alan."

"We'll see, when you've had a few glasses."

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