Meet Kyle

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Kyle Jennings. A loser with a brother who's all lot more attractive then him. His parents wish they had taken up the abortion offer, but refused cause his moms sister found out she was pregnant and got excited. Not wanting another kid, on April 3 there child was born. Having put no thought in the name, they made the decision, already knowing he was going to accomplish nothing in life, they named there new little boy Kyle Charles Rodney Jennings. They hated people with 2 middle names so they decided it would fit accordingly making sure he would go earlier then Jesus had intended. They brought there new little bundle of disappointment to his home. Blane, his beautiful brother, took one look and immediately ran to the bathroom. He began vomiting profusely. His parents placed the boy down on the floor as the helped his brother stop his vomiting, cause they wanted to keep him healthy. Kyle was never wanted, by anyone. Not his mother, father, brother or any other relatives. But this is what made Kyle, well, Kyle! He was born a disappointment and would stay that way. They already had a child that they put all there hopes and dreams into. They made the decision not to put him up for adoption just in case something happened to
the boys brother. Even if something were to happen Kyle could never learn to do half the stuff Blane did in his entire life that Blane had done in just 2. So, That's Kyle.

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