Just Keep Swimming

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Here he was. He looked out at the pool and was amazed. It was like one very unsanitary bath full of creepy old guys and teens who are only there to annoy the life guards. Blane walked over to the pool and walked by the girls from his school who had gathered around in the corner near the stairs. They laughed after everything he said and seemed to be in love with his prepubescent 8 year old body. Kyle stopped looking at his brother and ran to the pool. A teacher stopped him made him put on the ugliest thing he had ever seen. The red lifejacket. He took a look at this obviously warn plenty of times old thing hanging in front of his face. "Eww"
He belted out. "Kyle you have to. Do you want to drown? Don't answer that. It may be ugly but not as ugly as you. Put it on."
The teacher said. "Why me? No one else has one sir." Kyle responded. "Because you can't swim. Put it on or you don't go in. Or you learn to swim the hard way and probably drown." "I'll learn than."
Kyle walked off into the pool and stepped into the water. Felt warm. A little too warm. Almost Pee warm. He kept walking until he could just touch the ground. He then threw himself under the water and moved his arms the way he had seen Blane move them. He was now at a very deep part of the pool. He then found out why we can't live under water. He was drowning. The life guards couldn't care less. Then, an old man, fish? Merman pulled Kyle out of the water and lifted him up the surface. "Who are you? What are you?" Kyle asked. "I'm your cousin, Rufus. And I, am a merman little Kyle." The man replied. He threw Kyle up onto the ledge near the change rooms. "It's time to go Kyle" the teacher said. Already?  He thought. He got up and went into the change rooms. He got all his stuff together and headed back to Brenda. He sat down at the back of the bus with giselberk. "Have fun?" Giselberk asked. "Yeah. Did you?" Kyle asked back trying to make conversation. "I'm allergic to pool water. I sat out and ate my meats." He said back. Kyle nodded politely and starred out the window, planning his next trip to the pool.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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