School Trip

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In Kyles first year of school, he discovered something his parents must have skipped over, A School Trip. He had never heard of such a thing but Blane must have. It seems his parents tell everything to Blane but not Kyle. But anyways he was ecstatic when he received a from in his hand freshly printed, paper still warm, that read (well his teacher told him he could not yet read) Swimming Field Trip. That day after school he ran to his parents with she sheet in his hand. "Can I go?!" He asked jumping up and down. His parents looked at each other whilst holding the sheet in their hands. "We'll think about it." In the back of his mind Kyle knew that 'thinking about it' usually lead to a yes later on. "Hey Blane," Kyle began. "Guess who's gonna go on a swimming trip for school if mom and dad say yes?" Blane looked at Kyle for a second then laughed. "Everyone at school?" Kyle looked confused. Wondering in why other kids were getting invited to his special day at the pool. "What do you mean?!" The boy asked his brother with concern. "I mean everyone Is going. Did you really think the teacher just picked up the form and decided you get it?" Blane began to laugh. Kyle walked away with a look on his face trying to hide his embarrassment. In the room over his parents were deciding weather or not to let him go for this trip. Obviously Blane was going but did they really want it waste $6 dollars on a child who won't amount to anything? Not really. "I don't know if I want to." His father said to his mom. "But he might like possible... drown or something. I mean that'll not be very likely but it is a possibility. Then we can put all of our money into Blane and, well, not waste our time on that sad little boy with dreams that will probably never come true. But if he does drown then he won't ever feel as disappointed as we do! Win win." His mother said with joy. " alright then. I'll tell him." His dad walked off into Kyles room to give him the big news. The next day the boy walked into his class with a smile across his face holding the paper tightly in his hand. Attached wth a staple at the bottom was a plastic ziplock bag with 6 dollars in change. He was now going to spend the next 5 days of his life waiting for the school trip to arrive.
*5 Days Later*
He hopped out of his car wearing a circle floaty around his waist carrying a bag lunch with orange and blue goggles around his head, and staring at the big yellow bus in front of him. It was time to go swimming.

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