Jeff x BEN

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I'm baaaaaaaacccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkk~

Okay, let's just get this over with, shall we?

So, for today's rant: the famous Jeff the Killer and BEN Drowned pair up.

So you're probably saying "WTF, Slendy, why is this even important?" and I have to say: "Shut up and let me speak!" 

Anyways, Jeff nor Ben are homosexual. Hell, they're probably not heterosexual....heh, they're probably amoeba... :3


I doubt they've ever met! In reality, BEN has met none of the other creepypasta and Jeff's only met Slenderman and Jane and that's it! 

So how can, people have this erotic (cause I know you fan fiction writers are all pervs) relationship, but never meet? I should kill you now! 

Now, I'm not saying that you can't have them in the same story, cause all my stories have them in it together...A FRIENDS! But......wait, what?


You know what? I'm done! My butt hurts and my turtles look I guess this is good bye....for now...

That picture is my turtles Franklin(top) and Cow (bottom)~

So vote, comment, follow CPRC, and do something positive. Slendy out! Peace. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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