Murphy x Reader 14

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Requested: yas [johnmurphyxox]
Summary: Murphy takes revenge on the two boys that physically took part in hanging him. Now he's in the dropship with (name) and Bellamy, while (name) tries to convince Murphy not to kill Bell.
Warnings: Reference to hanging, vicious Murph, Profanity, Possibility of hanging

Note: this took forever, I know, I'm sorry. My life is a block of dirt right now


You took slow steps into the dropship before the door closed behind you. Your heart was beating erratically and nearly stopped when you saw Murphy with a bigass gun in his grasp.

"Up." He commanded simply, nodding towards the ladder that led to the second and third levels of the ship. You did as he instructed and made your way up the ladder, almost face-palming when you saw Bellamy up there with a makeshift noose around his neck.

"Murphy what the hell?" You sighed. "You had a shot here, they were going to let you stay. Why did you have to-... Ugh."

The fact that Murphy had gone to such an extreme (AKA trying to hang Bellamy with a bunch of seatbelts) drove you absolutely insane. He was cast out once and when he was given the chance to return to camp, he tries murdering the leader. Awesome.

"He tried to have me executed, (y/n). I was innocent and he tried to have me executed! You can't tell me he doesn't deserve this."

Your eyes shifted over to Bellamy, nodding at Murphy's valid point.

"Yeah, he does deserve it," Bellamy's eyes widened at your words. "But... That still doesn't mean you should take revenge. Believe it or not, John, he actually has changed as a person. He's not like he used to be.... No one here is."

Murphy snarled and looked at you incredulously.

"You're seriously taking his side over mine?"

"I'm not taking anyone's side! I'm trying to keep both of you alive, okay? I care about you guys and I don't want either of you to have to die."

John's blue eyes narrowed at your comment and he looked to Bellamy, then back to you. His lip curled back a bit in anger and disgust.

"You're fucking him."

Your neck almost broke from how quickly you turned your head towards Murphy. He wasn't asking; he was stating what he thought was a fact.

"Of course not-"

"You try to kill me, banish me, then steal away the only person that cared about me. Great job, king Bellamy!"


His lips smashed roughly against your own in a possessive kiss, his calloused hand almost gripping at the back of your neck. He pulled away, your bottom lip held between his teeth for a moment while he tugged just slightly at your hair.

You had to restrain yourself when the desire to rip his clothes off almost became too much. Bellamy narrowed his eyes at John, not that either of you were paying the rebel king much attention.

"John," you mumbled. "Listen to me, okay? Nothing ever went on between Bellamy and I. I still love you. Please don't do this."

His hands caressed either side of your face while his stormy blue eyes locked with yours. You could practically see him arguing with himself.

Finally, he sighed, tugging you over to one side of the dropship before dumping gun powder along the other side. He gave you another thoughtful glance before shooting at the gun powder, making it explode and destroying a section of the wall.
The dust began to settle and you rushed to release Bellamy from his noose, all the while watching John's retreating figure.

You bit your lip once Bellamy was safe, then, out of sheer adrenaline, jumped from the third level of the dropship. You tuck-and-rolled upon impact then continued running into the forest after your mentally unstable boyfriend.

"Wait up, asshole! You're not leaving me alone with them again!"

John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now