Murphy x Reader 17

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Requested: Yeeee [-HystericallySnake]

Summary: (Name) is blind and has to deal with an over protective Murphy.

Warnings: Profanity


You sat against the dropship with a fairly thick twig in your hands, dragging the blade along the wood as you worked on sharpening it.
The little project wasn't for any particular reason, you were just bored. Things at camp were starting to settle down, and since you no longer felt the heat of the sun on your skin you assumed it was because the sun was setting and people were done working.
You had finished your own work, which was advanced target practice. Bellamy said that since you were so good with your other senses (primarily hearing), you should practice shooting a bow. He even set up a target with a little bell tied to it.

You loved the idea and were all for it. Unfortunately, one person disagreed.

"(Name)!" Murphy called out once he saw you. "Are you alright? Did it go okay? Are you hurt?"

You huffed in response, looking in the direction you heard his voice coming from.

"I'm fine, John. It went great, and Miller even said I was like half an inch away from the center of the target!"

The boy gently grabbed your arms and inspected them, looking for any signs of harm. When he couldn't see any he took your face between his (very warm) hands and did the same.

"Dude, John, relax. I'm okay, alright?" You narrowed your eyes. "Just because I can't see doesn't mean I need to be treated like an incompetent child."

Unbeknownst to you, John's eyes flashed with hurt.

"I know that, (name). It's just-... things different here. When we were on the ark people weren't trying to kill us all the time."

He left out the part about him always worrying that something would go horribly wrong and he would lose you forever.

"That's why I have to work so hard," you explained. "to learn how to fight down here; to adapt.... Please let go of my face now."

John quickly removed his hands from your cheeks, his own heating up at his little mistake.

"I can survive just fine down here, John. Blind or not."

"I..." Murphy took a deep breath. "This isn't just about you being blind, (name). You're the only one I have left. It would kill me if you got even one little scratch on you. Whether you like it or not, I'm going to do my best to keep you safe. You kind of mean a lot to me."

Your (e/c) eyes widened. Honestly, you thought he was just convinced that you were helpless. You didn't know that he felt like that.
Slowly, your hand inched closer to find his. When you did, you squeezed it gently and smiled.

"Thank you... You know, for caring."

Murphy grinned in response, lightly squeezing your hand back and biting his lower lip.

"How about tomorrow I help you with target practice? Miller doesn't know shit about weapons. He'll probably end up shooting himself in the foot."

The two of you laughed, still holding hands, before you spoke again.

"Sounds good to me..." You paused, then continued. "You know John, I bet I could score some extra rations off Jasper by challenging him to a shooting contest."


John Murphy x Reader (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now