hug?(storyfell asriel x baby! reader)

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The baby human (y/n) was sucking her thumb and the bossy brother named asriel is watching her.

"Ugh I don't why my stupid sister, chara want me to watch this thing!". Asriel said as he look at (name) who is giggling cutely at him that made him so angry."don't you laugh at me!"  Asriel thought he the baby human laugh was so cute but he hide it.

"Human you are so ugly that's why you shouldn't have been in the underground in the FIRST PLACE!!!!". Asriel scream that made the tiny human giggle some more at his yelling, asriel roll his eyes and as he sit down in the floor looking pretty mad.

(Y/n) then stand up without falling as she walk to asriel and giving him a hug, Asriel blushes and pushes (y/n) away,looking more annoyed then he move away sitting in the corner.  (Name) sits down as she suck her pacifier but then her pacifier drop in the floor.

"M...m mama?,'' (y/n) started to have tears in her eyes that made asriel said angrily.

"Get it yourself you brat!.''  Asriel annoyed the tiny human but then (name) started crying as asriel couldn't watch her cry even  he was mean, rude to everyone He stand up and started to hold (y/n) gently as he rock her back and fort like a mother would do.

"Shh...hush little human, don't you cry. Chara gonna buy you a new weapon to play and if that weapon doesn't work, asriel will buy you a new one." Asriel sang that made (y/n) cooe for him, asriel grabbed the pacifier and put it gentle in her mouth.

Asriel hugs (y/n) and kisses her forehead as he whisper to the baby human.

"Now on, I'm being nice to you. I'll be rude to my sister chara."

   asriel then saw (y/n) was sleeping and as he put the sleeping human in the crib with a nice whisper.

"Sleep tight (y/n)." 

The Afternoon chara was sleeping in her room but then the door open it was asriel with the baby human too.

"CHARA YOU LAZY HUMAN GET UP!!" Shouted asriel that chara get up quickly sitting down in the bed (Y/n) giggle as she pets asriel ears like a dog.

"What is it master?" Ask chara as asriel bosses chara some more.




Chara roll her eyes at asriel and go to the hall she see asriel playing with the tiny human they even giggling too  When asriel was not looking  chara flips him off brother as she handed outside to kidnapped the human.

(Hope you all like the story, it's storyfell au it's like a evil version of storyshift. So request anything in this book!)

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