Response A2

436 33 3

Dear Cat,

That's so great!  I'm so happy you've found someone!  Is he a nice guy?  Does he treat you right?  If he ever hurts you, you'd better tell me. No guy should ever treat a girl who disrespect.

I've been good, actually. Austin's been pretty sick, but he's now on a lot of antibiotics to help him get better and reduce the chances of him getting another infection.

I want to know more about this Forrest guy. If he doesn't like our music, I forbid you from seeing him. Ever again.

So this other guy that you were waiting on...does he know now? How you felt of course. And do you think he feels the same way? Make sure you know what you're doing, because messing around with two guys ain't fun.

Sorry, sorry, I'm not accusing you of infidelity! 

I just know what it's like to be on both sides of the story, and neither are that great to be on.

I was actually hoping I'd see you soon! The band is doing this thing with flying out fans to film this music video we're working on. There's going to be a contest, and we're randomly choosing 20 fans that enter. I could make an exception for you, though, if you'd want to be a part of it.  Let me know!

And don't worry about me getting in trouble over making an acceptation.

Aaron and Tino are backing me up on this. They were a little upset that they didn't really get to meet you last time.

Let me know soon! I miss eating from you too, kiddo.

- Alan

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