Chapter 1

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Angie's POV
It's been a week since this new teacher entered the studio his name is Jeremiah and I got to say we have become great friends in the past week.I know I don't even know the guy, but he seems cool. It's also been two weeks since I decided to leave the Castillo house and in that time German started to date esmeralda which I have to say kinda hurts, but I have to move on but what also hurts is that violetta seems to like her a lot more than she like me which hurts even worse I know I must be paranoid, but it seems real to me.

It was now time for me to get up and get ready before I get late to the studio I really don't want to hear Pablo screaming at me again. I got ready really quick and headed out. As I was in my way to the studio I received a phone call which was unusual for me to get. Especially from a number I don't recognize.

Phone call -

"Hello Angie speaking" I said

Hello Ms. Angie I'm calling from France because my Boss heard your song 'Algo se Enciende' from the U-Mix show and well he was quite surprised by it that he wants you to come and work for us as a singe writer. So what do you say?" He asked

As I was on the phone jeremías came and asked if he could walk with me, but I gave him a sign to give me a second.

"May I have some time to think about this?" I asked

"Of course you have four months to give us an answer Ms. Angie" he said

"Thank you ciao" I said

End of call
"Who was that?" Asked Jeremías

"Nobody" I lied I know I shouldn't lie but I don't want anyone to know about this yet.

"Okay..." he said not believing what I had said.

German's POV-

I was walking to the studio dressed as Jeremías when I noticed Angie so I decided to ask her if I could join her on the walk to the studio but she gave me a sign to wait a second as she was on the phone with someone which their conversation sounded weird angie asked if she could have some time to thing about it. About what? As she needed the call I decided to question her on it but she said it was nothing which I knew was a lie but I decided to drop it.

Once we argued at the studio Angie went to her class and I went to my class with Gregorio. After the class was over I went into the teachers lounge to rest before the next one. As I came in Pablo and Angie were talking they just turned around to check who it was and continued talking.

"All I'm going to tell you is to think about it and make the right decision" said Pablo

"Pablo I know that I'm just telling you this so you can maybe give me a little support in this as a friend not as my friend"she said in her angry voice.

"I have to think about the studio Angie because this could affect the studio not just you" he said

"I know that Pablo, but I need your support as a friend because if I decide to yes this could be a great opportunity for me" she said

What "opportunity" is she talking about????

"Let's be honest here the only reason you are thinking of saying yes is because of German" Pablo said

"YOU KNOW PABLO my whole life DOESNT revolve AROUND HIM" she said quite angry "you know I could say no because of violetta I don't want to hurt her again " she said

"I may have not though about that possibility" he said

"Of coarse you didn't Pablo because you never think" she said

What the hell are they talking about what desicion and what could my daughter???

"So can I just ask you something" he said

"Yeah go head" she said

"If it's not for German than why do you want to say yes for?" He asked

"Because it's my dream Pablo, everyone always thought my dream would be to be like Maria because she was my older sister, but no this is my dream" she explained

"Well then I guess it's not because of German, but if you excuse me I have a class to go teach" he said as he left.

"What was that about?" I asked

"Nothing" she said lying once again

"If you say so, but if you don't mind me asking who is Maria" I asked pretending not to know who she is.

"Have you heard of Maria Sammergo?" She asked

"Yh who hasn't she was really famous, but she died" I said

"Well she's my sister" she said almost in tears

"I'm so sorry" I said

Time skip
After I finished my shift at the studio I changed Quick  back into my normal clothes and took off my wig and headed home. Angie then arrived.

"Hey, is violetta home?" She asked

"Yeah she's upstairs, but you don't have a lesson with her today" I said

"Yeah I know I just really need to talk to her about something can you go get her for me?" She asked

"Sure it'll just be a sec" I said and left to find violetta.

Angies POV

German went upstairs to find violetta. I came to tell her what's going on, but I'm afraid that she will be mad at me if I do decide to go or will she support me on this. I don't know if I should tell her or not?

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