Chapter 5- Pleasure Or Not.

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Chapter 5- Pleasure Or Not.

The next morning

Ian's POV

I wake up and Nina is fast asleep. We don't have work today so I’m taking Nina to the doctors.

Nina starts to wake up and slowly opens her eyes.

"Good morning beautiful" I kiss her on her head.

"Wait, what happened?" She looked so confused.

"You weren’t feeling too good yesterday on set, you fell asleep and I took you back here"

"Oh yeah" slowly she remembered

"Are you feeling better Neens?"

"Yeaaahhhhh" she looked away and blinked faster.

"Nina don’t lie to me, I know when you’re lying"

"Ian please, don’t make me go"

"Nina you need to go. I’m not asking you. I’m telling you."

Nina’s eyes started to fill up

"No baby no, please don’t cry. I didn’t want to sound harsh. I just care about you so much"

"I’m scared"

I wrapped my arms around her.

"I’m right here, always ok."

"Let’s get you some breakfast ok?"

We went into the kitchen and I made pancakes with fruit for us both.

It was only 10 am. Me and Nina are so used to waking up early. So we decide to just rest in bed.

Nina’s POV

Ian just made us pancakes and fruit, it tasted so well.

My stomach starts to tingle. Oh no. I didn’t want Ian to notice so I acted normal. We were under the covers watching TV. Oh no. The pain is becoming sharp. I slowly and secretly put my hands on top of my tummy.

“Nina” Ian looks at me and moves in for a kiss. I kiss him back but not as well as I normally do because the pain is getting in the way. Luckily I don’t think he’s noticed yet.

He starts kissing my neck and moves down stopping when he gets to my chest. He moves his arm slowly down making his way lower, while he carries on kissing. Damn it, now he know where my hands are.

"Nina" he stops kissing me and looks at me.

"Why your hands there, you’re not feeling good are are you"

I stay silent.

"Neens I care about you"

"I know Ian. Thank you. Ahh it hurts so badly"

"Can I ask you something?" He asks slowly while he puts his hand on my stomach and slowly rubs it in circles.

"Of course" I say in pain

"Well um... when was the last time you got your period"

"I think next week”

“Ok I thought so”

I and Ian have known each other for so long, he knows when I roughly get my period.

I don't think it is what you're thinking. Ian I need to tell you something. It started a while ago"

Ian looked very concerned. "Sure babe. Go ahead" he nodded eagerly.

"I don’t really know how to say this. But I have a problem, a couple of the women in my family have had it too. It’s called ‘meoto’. It means I have to go through this pain right before I get my period.

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