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My name is McKayla Akenstern I'm 17 years old and I was born in California. I go to a public school in a small town. My family is only my mother and I , my father disappeared before I turned 5. Since we are always low on money my mother and I work part-time jobs . After coming home one day my mother told me we had to move, all the way to Austin,Texas .

We ended up moving in a little house in a small neighborhood. The house was pretty old and needed repairs but it made my mother happy so I was happy. I knew she was devastated when father went missing , and now I do my best to make sure she is happy. I ended up spending a week unpacking boxes and suitcases but my room was pretty spacious. The next few days I would spend my time in the woods or looking for a new job, but mother ended up working at a phone company which was well paying.

In order for me to get used to the area I walked around town and would visit parks. After about a week of looking for a job I found an opening at a grocery store. mom ended up with a nice size check paying all the bills and groceries with some leftover but, at the time we only payed the house and insurance. I did miss living in California with the sun and beaches but, I knew I had to move on. I also knew the life I had in California was now over i would start a new life in Texas.

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