The Entry

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Journal entry:1
7:32 A.M.

She has arrived, my dear daughter has arrived in this world. Now that she is here I realize I have 5 years to spends and cherish with my dear McKayla before I have to leave her with my dear wife Mariah. I know when I leave both of them will be devastated. Doing this is my only option and therefore I hope they both understand. The reason I must leave is to protect McKayla for she does not know who she really is.
       Signing off for now,
         Henry Akenstern

I woke up in a panic, he was there at the foot of the bed, a tall man with grey hairs and glasses. The first thing I could think was "is he my father?" I had heard the words that fell out of my mouth and thought "don't be silly McKayla, father is no longer here he left 13 years ago." I rubbed my eyes and just like that, the figure disappeared. A few minutes later a knock on the door was heard so I stood up and fixed my clothes, Sean had entered pointing to the bed and told me to sit. I did as told and he followed, "I assume you read the card I left" he said, I nodded and asked "what do you mean by what my mother didn't tell me?"

Sean p.o.v.
There was no easy way to tell her,I stood up and took a deep breath. You are actually a-

I bet most of you are upset I left with a cliffhanger. I promise to reveal who McKayla really is. -Lexi

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