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I stared as the man I once trusted walked around the chair to where I was tied to. He went yapping on while circling the chair about when we were back in California. I would reply to him here and there but he would comeback right at me with words. He told me about my two options 1: where I would stay in the same room , untied , and kept to my satisfactions/needs , while I could still talk to my mother. I listened and thought about how this would affect me , then he told me option 2: which was I would be set free I got to work, eat, and talk to my mom but I would have to report to him at night and stay there.

After a few minutes I decide on my option of number two . I knew it was better than being isolated everyday for who knows how long. After I told him my option he untied me leaving a mark from how tight the rope was , he said my time with him would end in a month. He went to a door and opened letting me back into the rain . Before I left he told me " you will never mention this to anyone or else you will end up dead . "

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