Chapter 8

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•Eren's POV•

You would never find Mikasa in an awkward situation. Thats what she was good at, acting like she didn't care. Or maybe she didn't - you couldn't tell. So when she leaned over and kissed me, my childhood best friend, the atmosphere didn't become awkward. I still wanted to be there, and so did she.

"I'll go get some food," Mikasa said, standing up from her position next to me on the floor and heading off downstairs. In the meantime, I tried to explain to myself how that had happened. She kissed me. She kissed me...

I couldn't help the awful feeling inside me. Did she like me? Or was it just a spur of the moment thing? No matter how much I tried to forget it like she had, I couldn't.

"Okay..." I heard, and looked up to see her in the doorway, holding packets of crisps. She looked thoughtful for a moment, and then threw a pack at me. "So - Connie," she stopped, bursting open her own packet. "told me that Armin isn't doing so well."
The way she said it was admirable, as if it was something that occurred in typical, casual conversation.
"No, he's not," I replied, trying not to sound affected. Mikasa just nodded and linked her hands together. Then she looked up at me, a smile plastered on her face.
"We're all rooting for him," she said, an uncertain smile resting on her lips. I attempted to curl up my own, but I'm just glad I couldn't see my own face.


The nights were getting so much colder. I buried my face into the scarf that was draped around my neck, closing my eyes for half a second. I had left Mikasa's house after a few hours to start homework. I had tried to talk about things we used to, but it just kept becoming awkward - for me that is.

I didn't need to knock, I had my own key. The house was warm when I stepped in, that meant my father was home.
"Dad?" I called, slipping off my shoes and leaving them by the door. My father laughed from the kitchen and came to see me.
"Hello Eren, back early from a trip," he said, nodding and patting my shoulder. "Your mother has just made dinner, you're just in time."

I sat at the table picking from my plate. Tonight it was a stir fry, my fathers favourite. I tried not to think about the events at Mikasa's but they just kept coming back.

"How are the tutoring classes coming along?" My father asked, so I looked up politely.
"They're good," I answered. "I think I'm improving a lot." My dad nodded in approval. "How is work?" I asked. Really, I couldn't care less but it would be rude to be ignorant. He shrugged and stabbed some sort of vegetable on his plate.
"Alright, nothing interesting."
And like that, our conversation was over.


Connie flicked the bell on his bike and laughed, speeding up next to me.
"Race you to the bike sheds," he said, looking at me with a smirk. I could tell easily that he was trying to lighten the mood so I put some effort into it too.
"You're on," I grinned, already setting off. My feet were set on the pedals, pounding with competitiveness. A rose colour had spread gradually over my cheeks as we fought to the 'finish line'.

I laughed as Connie scowled playfully, pretending to be sulking. Eventually he let it go and laughed along too.
"Hey Eren, I bet you have a crush on one of the nurses, don't you," he teased, punching my arm. I rolled my eyes but thought of a comeback.
"Yeah. I have a major crush on one called Mrs Springer." I retorted, to which he shoved me again. "A bit violent aren't we? I was only being honest," I bit pack playfully. He sniggered and activated the automatic doors. I didn't bother with the receptionists, just lead Connie up the stairs to Armin's ward. Silence enveloped us as we walked, shoes clicking against the linoleum flooring.

Connie sat in the chair that was by the bed, I stood - arms folded over my chest - against the wall.
"Hey Ar," he said, obviously staring at Armin's overly pale skin. That warm, healthy glow was gone and had left what was under the shell. His hair hung limp by his shoulders, it had grown very quickly without any care. Connie cleared his throat and I sighed.
"Strange, isn't it?" I said, walking over to open the window. The nurses constantly closed it after my visits, that was why it was close to claustrophobic.
"Yeah," Connie mumbled, clearly uncomfortable. He shifted his gaze from the bed to his hands, so I asked if he wanted to leave.
"Yeah," he murmured once more, lifting himself out of the chair. He scratched the back of his neck and looked as if he would say something to Armin, had he been alone. Instead, he muttered a "let's go" and we left the room.

"That was..." Connie started, trying to think of an appropriate word. "I don't know, strange, crazy?" He said, sounding confused. I nodded in response. "At least I saw him before... I mean, you know." I nodded again and looked at the floor. It was soaked with rain, little puddles had formed in uneven surfaces.
"Jean's calling," Connie said, staring at his phone. He answered and I waited. "Yeah, whatever. Sure? Okay, I'll bring Eren. See you,"

Half an hour later, I was sat on Jean's bed. His eyes were still red from crying and Netflix was blaring from his flatscreen.
"H-he just..." he stuttered, breaking into tears again. I patted his back twice and stood up. The room was stuffy and hot, so for the fourth time today, I reached over and opened a window.
"Why don't you just go visit him?" Connie asked, looking away from the TV. Jean shook his head.
"He's busy," he replied, wiping his eyes with his sleeves. To be honest, I'd never seen Jean cry - he always seemed so irritable that I didn't know he was capable of it. But still the flow continued and he started crying, hiccups interrupting his breathing. "I just... don't know why he didn't tell me." He sobbed, collapsing onto his back. Marco had called from the same hospital that Armin was in, it was pretty local after all. I sat beside Jean on the bed and put my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure he had his reasons, do you really think he'd keep it from you out of spite?" I said, a reassuring smile on my face. Jean didn't seem convinced.
"Well, yeah, actually. We... we had a fight." He returned guiltily. The pair had been inseparable and ultimately perfect. Jean was the loud ad bold troublemaker, Marco the kind and knowing peacemaker. The thought that an argument had driven Marco to keep something from him was just insane.

"I tried to kiss him." Jean admitted. I suddenly remembered my encounter with Mikasa - 'I didn't react like that' I thought. "I stepped past the line... I was completely out of order," he said, his voice dripping with culpability. I laughed.
"You're Marco and Jean. He will forgive you, don't be so tense."
Okay, maybe the laughter was a little overboard. Jean groaned and turned to face down on his pillow. After five minutes, his phone vibrated.

"Hello? Yes, I'll come now. I'm sorry, bye," he answered, already practically out of the door.
"You coming?" He called. I jumped off of the bed.

Hi! Sorry that updates have been so slow, I'll try to post more regularly (ha).

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