Chapter 23: Crisis Averted

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Not questioning, Dawn started walking, as did Edie. The boys trailed behind them, but Dawn didn't have much attention to spare for them now. They were careful again to stick to the paths on their way back to Gilkey. When they reached the building, tears started leaking out of Corrie's squeezed-shut eyes. Edie and Dawn hurried her up the stairs and sat her down on her bed. Duncan and Rico were still following them, but waited awkwardly in the doorway.

Edie found a box of tissues and handed a few to Corrie, which she accepted gratefully. "Are you going to be okay?" asked Edie anxiously.

Corrie nodded, wiping at her eyes and blowing her nose. "I just hate having to yell at him. I know if I'm too nice he'll just take it as encouragement, but it sucks. He's a good guy, really... he just has a hard time accepting that I don't want to date him anymore. A really hard time."

Dawn snorted. "That's an understatement."

"Do you want us to call security or anything?" Rico asked hesitantly.

Corrie shook her head quickly. "He's not worth it. He's not a threat, just annoying."

"And you still care about him, don't you?" Edie said.

Corrie blew her nose again and shrugged. "I guess I do. As a friend. We didn't work out well as a couple--he wants more out of a relationship than I do." She stared down at the tissues she was crumpling in her hands. "I think once classes start up on Monday I can relax. He won't have much opportunity to follow me then."

"Assuming he hasn't signed up for all the same classes as you," Dawn said, unable to refrain from rolling her eyes. "He sounds desperate enough to do that."

She gave a watery laugh. "I'd almost wonder, except there's no way for him to have found out what classes I signed up for. Besides, he's more interested in science--he's more likely to end up in one of your classes. I doubt he would ever end up in a magic class!"

"But what if he is in one of your classes? What if you just happened to be assigned to the same FYE class?" Edie chewed on her lower lip, looking more worried even than Dawn felt.

"I guess I'll ask to be transferred to a different class. Or for him to be transferred. I really don't think it's anything to worry about." Corrie seemed to have stopped crying, and her voice was stronger now. "I'll be fine, okay?"

Edie nodded reluctantly. Dawn finally looked up again into the doorway. Rico and Duncan were looking at each other, then Duncan shrugged and spoke. "I guess we'll go now... let you have your girl time. See you later."

"I'll see you tomorrow night, Dawn," Rico said, smiling. She smiled back, feeling her heart lift again.

They left, shutting the door behind them. Edie squeezed Corrie's hand. "Crisis averted?"

Corrie nodded firmly. "Crisis averted."

"Good." Edie turned to Dawn, a wide grin spreading across her face. "Then it's time for you to tell us about Rico!"

Chatoyant College, Book 1: New Student OrientationWhere stories live. Discover now