Chapter 48: An Unexpected Ally

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When Dawn's vision cleared, they were still in the forest, but she recognized this spot. It was just where the transition appeared from the friendly forest to the unfriendly part. Yes, she could see the darkness and foreboding as she turned back to look behind her. Corrie and Edie were still holding their hands tightly together, the keys between them. "I think you can let go of the keys now," said Dawn heavily. "We're out of the faerie lands."

They let go slowly, and Corrie put the keys back in her pocket. "What do we do now?" she asked shakily.

Dawn shook her head. "I don't know. I don't know if they'll even let us back in. We've certainly lost any element of surprise." She thought for a moment. "I guess we should go talk to Rico. He might have an idea, and like I said before, he'd want to come."

They walked back toward the campus; the bulk of Gilkey was easily visible from where they were. Dawn was surprised to find that the sun hardly seemed to have moved from where it had been when they had gone into the woods. She was no expert, of course, but it seemed as though hardly any time had passed. She wondered if that was part of the faeries' magic.

They went into Gilkey and started toward the stairs. Dawn intended to go up to the fourth floor and start looking for Rico's room. As they passed the second floor, though, she heard the sound of feet running down the steps and Ever came suddenly into view. Dawn took a step back reflexively--luckily, they were on the landing. Ever ran up to her and seized her hand. "Did you just come from the woods?" she asked breathlessly.

Dawn frowned. This was very strange behavior. What had happened to the mocking she had sensed before? "Yes," she said cautiously.

Ever's lips were pressed into a thin line. "You were trying to find Annie, weren't you?"

"You do remember!" Dawn cried in surprise. "You do know something, don't you?"

Ever nodded and closed her eyes for a moment. "Yes. I'm... sorry. It's my fault. Did you find her?"

How could it be Ever's fault? She wasn't the one to take Annie, was she? But she had tried to stop Dawn from figuring out what was going on. She couldn't respond.

Corrie finally did. "Yes. They wouldn't give her back, and they put a curse on Lorelei."

"Yes, I heard about the curse..." Ever shook her head and let go of Dawn's hand. "They're going too far. At least they haven't broken the agreement. Okay, let's go back."

"What?" asked Edie. The bewilderment in her voice was exactly the match to what Dawn felt.

"I'm going with you. I'll help you get Annie back."

Dawn found her voice again. "How do we know we can trust you?" she snapped. "You tried to stop me from finding out what happened earlier, didn't you? Why would you help us now?"

"I know I haven't given you any reason to trust me," Ever said in a steady, calm voice. "You don't really have to trust me now. But without my help things will never be right."

"It's worth a try," said Edie quietly.

Dawn sighed. "You're right. But I still don't trust you, Ever. Okay, we'll go back, but I want Rico to come with us this time."

"That's fair," said Ever, though she didn't look happy about it. She turned and put her hand on the railing. "I know where his room is; let's get him and go back quickly."

Dawn knocked on the door Ever indicated once they'd gotten to the fourth floor. It was opened very quickly. "Dawn!" said Rico, smiling widely. Dawn couldn't help smiling back at him, despite the worry and stress she was feeling. "What's going on?" he asked, looking around at the three other girls behind her.

"Do you remember all the weird stuff I explained to you last night?" Dawn asked.

"Of course," he said. "How could I forget?"

"Well, we found out what happened... Annie was kidnapped by faeries. Corrie, Edie, and I just tried to get her back, but it didn't work. Ever says she can help, but I don't think I trust her, and I want you to come with us this time anyway. Will you?"

Dawn held her breath as he stared at them silently. She wouldn't blame him if he thought she was crazy now. Finally, though, he nodded. "Just let me get my shoes."

He was out again in moments, and Ever led them all down the stairs. Dawn lagged a little behind the others so she could reach for Rico's hand. He gave it to her without hesitation. She sighed, thinking she should have brought him the first time. If nothing else, his presence was comforting.

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