After Allegiant- One Shot

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A/N So because of my followers on Instagram I decided to post my one shot on Wattpad as well. Hope you enjoy


Its been 5 years since Tris died. I have attempted memory loss but Christina persuaded me otherwise. They soon took that serum away from everyone to prevent that from happening. I've also done zip lining. Something I will never do again. But those little things I did for Tris. I don't know how Christina is doing so well with it. Every mention of her makes me want to break down crying.

Today I have to go to a school and teach the kids about everything that happened 5 years ago as requested by Johanna. It's going to be a very hard lesson but I'll get through it. I hope.

I make my way towards the school and enter it. I am directed to room 6. 6, 6 fears my Tris had. I enter the room and am greeted by the teacher. "Hello I am Miss. Morgland" "Hi I'm Mr. Eaton" "The kids will be in any minute now so go ahead and do whatever you need to prepare" she leaves the room; I suspect to go get the kids. I set down my briefcase and write my name on the board. Just then the students come in and Miss. Morgland introduces me. That's when I start.

"5 years ago we had the city divided into 5 sections, called factions. They were named Abnegation, Amity, Dauntless, Candor, and Erudite. Each faction had their own quality, Abnegation was selfless, Dauntless was brave, Amity was peaceful, Candor was truthful, and Erudite was intelligent. Soon a war had broken out between the factions. It was started by the Erudite. Not long into the war had people gone outside the fenced that was keeping us locked in. There was this girl" I begin to choke up but I cough to make it go away "Her name was Beatrice Prior, more commonly known and Tris Prior

"She was a genetically pure individual unlike everyone else who is genetically damaged. Now just because you are genetically damaged doesn't mean you are any different from a genetically pure. The bureau had believed you were and treated you differently because of it. So Tris, Caleb her brother, and more had come up with an idea to stop the bureau. I was part of this group. The bureau was planning to erase the memories of everyone in the factions and we created the plan to stop them and set it to action. We had planned to erase the bureau's memory so everyone who was in on the plan had to inoculate themselves against the serum. I had gone back inside the gates to inoculate certain people incase our plan didn't work. Now Caleb Prior was supposed to go into the weapons lab. The tricky thing was that anyone who entered the lab without the password or inoculation would die of death serum. We had given him a suit that would protect him long enough to release the serum. But instead of Caleb going in, Tris did. She went without a suit or inoculation or password. She fought off the serum very bravely but no sooner then when she release the serum did a gun go off and she was shot twice. She had died from two bullet wounds in major arteries. She set us free. She was the most bravest and selfless person I have ever met." I quickly wipe away a few tears hoping nobody saw them. "Any questions?"

Hands fly up into the air. I call on a student and they ask "How close were you with Tris?" I answer through a choked voice "I was very close to her. She was mine and I was hers". Another hand goes in the air and I call on the girl. "What do you mean 'She was mine and I was hers'" "We loved each other and I will only love her forever" the word "oh" echoes throughout the classroom. I call on one last hand   "What faction were you in Mr. Eaton?" "I was in Abnegation but transferred to Dauntless. My time here ids over now. Thank you for inviting me to your classroom" a chorus of "thank you for coming" runs through the room. I grab my briefcase and head out the door.

That's when the tears come. My vision is so clouded I barely miss running into someone. I head over to the chasm and sit on the rock me and Tris shared our first kiss on. I've coming here everyday ever since I got back in Chicago. To my surprise someone is sitting on the rock already. They vaguely familiar and seems to be crying. The person reading something and I don't what it is. It appears to be a note. Suddenly the person speaks "I've made a mistake that left people upset, angry, miserable, and broken hearted. Do you think they can forgive me?" the voice is hoarse as if the girl has been yelling. "It depends on if you had to or not" I say in reply. The girl finally looks up and she breathes "Tobias" under her breath. She looks like Tris. But it couldn't be. It can't be. I want it to be but it can't be her, she's gone.

"Tris?" I say very confused and I'm pretty I have a quizzical look on my face. "I'm so sorry but I had to. There was no other way" I don't say anything I just stand there frozen. I find my feet are carrying me towards her while my mind is screaming 'she's just an imagination it's happened before'. But part of me knows that my mind is right but the other half is agreeing with my feet. I'm close enough to pull her to me and I do. She's actually here. I kiss her longing for her lips against mine. It's been 5 years. 5 painful years. We break away and all I say is

"I love you Tris"

A/N All characters besides Miss. Morgland belong to Veronica Roth the amazing and very talented author. 

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