An Ever After

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Yay another one shot! This will be written in the 3rd and past tense person Disclaimer Everyone but the wife and kids but not their names and the other man are Veronica Roth's. There may be typos. This will be a little different from my instagram one on both my accounts.  

Years after Tris's death Tobias still has never found anyone. He has tried and tried but it only made him crazier, hungrier for Tris. He would at random throw objects across the room. Ever since Tris died he has never been the same. His friends usually left him alone to "give him time". Truth is he never needed time he needed Tris. She was the only love of his life and losing her was like dying himself but yet living. Living with a dead soul.

He became crazy. Talking nonstop about Tris, Tris his true love. He would often see her, in his dreams, by the chasm, everywhere. Sometimes he would go in his fear landscape in hopes of being with Tris there. Of coarse his fears never changed, rendering him the limited time with Tris. He knew she wasn't real there but it was the closest thing he had to real, that and his hallucinations. If they were at all hallucinations.  

One day his friends sent a girl over to calm him down. They went on a few dates and later got married. Tobias didn't want to propose but felt he should, should try and move on, that's what Tris would want. Soon the wedding came and what was suppose to be the happiest day of his life was only his second worst, after Tris's death. He was a wreck that day though only Zeke knew the pain, after all he was going through the same thing.   Zeke was like Tobias in this way. Heartbroken, only marrying because they knew it's what their true loves (Tris:Tobias and Zeke:Shauna) would want them to do. Shauna had died in a freak car accident and it was a subject best left alone.

On Tobias's wedding day he was crying. Very upset he couldn't marry Tris instead. He almost never showed up to the wedding but thought better of it, for Tris.   

 Although he never went a day without talking about Tris, his wife loved him all the same. She had begged him for at least one child but he never agreed; it only made him want Tris even more.

At one point his wife had gotten upset about him always talking about Tris. She had said these words "Look Tobias, I know what it's like to loose your first love but that doesn't mean it was true love! She probably never felt the same thing as you did between you two! So quit crying over her and be brave about all this! I love you Tobias, can't you see that?"  

This set him off. He always told Tris to "Be brave". How would his wife know what they felt? How could she say such painful things? "Don't talk about Tris that way again. She died and saved us from the Bureau. She and I had, we had something unexplainable. Don't You Ever say something like that again" he warned. His wife cowered away and he muttered "pansycake" just loud enough to for only him to hear. Even when it was clear he wasn't suppose to hear her say it.

He walked out of the house. He headed to the chasm where he and Tris first kissed. His wife never knew the importance of the chasm and she never will. His wife still despite his words to her, did love him.  

 As he aged he knew he was getting closer and closer to Tris. His wife was worried he would try suicide. He never did.  

On his death bed he wouldn't stop talking about finally being with Tris. This has made his wife extremely sad. She was crying and trying to get him to say "I love you" to her. She kept saying it over and over to him an throughout his entire life he never said "I love you" to her. Only to Tris. As his final seconds crept up on him, he saw Tris.

Smiling she outstretched her arms welcoming him. Tris never aged and Tobias was young again.   He left his wife heartbroken and waiting to die and be with him. She knew it wasn't likely that he waited for her. She knew he'd probably be with this Tris, but she still hoped.

  When she died, she tried finding him. But when she did, he was with Tris and 2 little children. This broke her heart. Even in paradise hearts can be broken. He was smiling with his arm around the girl he never stopped talking about.

She could see why he loved her so much. When she turned to go she bumped into a man.   That man was her first love. They lived a happy ending.

Tris and Tobias were inseparable. They had 3 children, Natalie, Uriah, and Marlene. Tris and Tobias knew their children would be sent down to earth and live with earthly parents. So they enjoyed their time with the children and each other as much as possible.  

Tris had known Tobias tried to move on but couldn't and that's all she could ever ask for. She was worried he would love a girl more than her. She was however fine with him moving on. She just couldn't bear the thought of him loving another girl more than her.  

Never did Tobias know pain again. Never did he lose Tris again. They were reunited at last living the life he had always wanted with her. With their friends as their neighbors as their time on earth had expired. They were all in Paradise.

   The End Hope you all enjoyed it. And I know it's choppy but I don't want it to turn into another chapter fanfiction


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