He asks you out (Bones)

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Jim burst in through the room he shared with Bones in the Academy, slamming the door shut as he looked around for Bones.

Both had been really good friends ever since they met, and Bones appreciated how Jim still helped him in finding who you were even though three years had already passed since he saw you.

He ran into their room, where Bones was clearly sleeping as there was an unmoving bundle below the covers, and jumped on the bed. Bones jerked awake as he tried to scramble out of the covers.

"Jim what the hell are you doing?" He asked him in an irritating tone, running a hand through his untamed hair, glaring intensely at Jim who was still laying on top of him.

"I found her Bones I found her!" He immediately said, jumping a bit up and down, causing Bones to groan as he pushed him off, his friend falling with an 'Oof!' and a loud thud resonating on the room followed by a moment of silence.

Bones rubbed his face, sighing as he peeked from the edge to Jim. "Who did you find Jim? I swear that if it is one of your night stands I will kick those perfect teeth out of your mouth." He said in a menacing tone, pulling the covers off and standing up slowly.

Jim rolled his eyes as he stood up and dusted off, moving to Bones as he held him by his shoulders, almost hard but not enouh to hurt him.

"I found your mystery girl" Bones immediately froze, his gaze staying fixed on a wall for a moment before he looked over at Jim. "You f-found her?" He said softly, his heart fluttering at the thought of seeing you again.

He could finally learn your name and thank you for the nickname that has influenced him. He had to see you immediately, he couldn't be away from you any longer.

He ran out of the room, in pajamas and all. His heart pumped at miles per hour, him rushing through the halls and pushing some students away in a frenzy to find you as soon as possible.

As he turned a corner, he didn't get to react soon as he came crashing down on top of someone.

That was you.

Bones blushed, seeing how you noticed he was in pajamas and sweating like crazy. "I-I am so sorry miss, let me help you up" He said nervously, offering you a hand. As soon as you looked at him clearly, you gasped, almost dropping your books.

"Bones?" You said in a soft tone, his eyes lighting up as he nodded enthusiastically. You couldn't help but hug him tight, laughing together with him as you looked up at him. "I can't believe it! I've been wanting to see you again!" You explained happily, gently pulling away as you took a step back, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.

He chuckled, a nice sound to your ears which only made your smile widen. You soon remembered you haven't told him your name in all this time. You offered him a hand to shake, looking up at his towering figure. "I'm (Y/N) by the way" You introduced yourself.

He froze for a moment in place, seeming to process what you just said.

"(Y/N)" He said softly, your name rolling out of his lips smoothly. He looked up at you. "Beautiful name"

*Time skip*

"I can't do it" Leonard exclaimed to his own reflection in the mirror of his bathroom. He was looking at his eyes which held one and only one thing which he recognized immediately.


He had been wanting to ask you out for a while now, but it seemed as if the odds were against him since he had barely any time to see you, and you had been sent off to many missions. He just wished he had asked you before. Not only you both have been friends for many years, which honestly hurt him more each time he saw you as he tried really hard to hide his feelings for you, he HATED the fact that the both of you were still friends.

He was just a coward.

He slapped himself slightly, sighing as he looked down at the sink and finally started brushing his teeth. After what he took what he thought was an eternity, he finally got out of his room, heading to MedBay with his head hung low.

Soon, he heard the sound of footsteps running getting closer, and he had to stop when he saw you running in a space suit through the hall. You stopped in front of him, regaining your breath as you smiled at Leonard.

"O-Oh! Sorry Bones! I just got lost, in what floor are the rooms in?" You asked him, still being new to the installations of the Enterprise. It almost seemed like a maze for you.

Bones smiled sheepishly and blushed slightly, rubbing the bakc of hid neck as he pointed down the hall. "Just turn to the right. (Y/N) I want to ask you something" He said, letting out the air he had been holding in.

You tilted your head in curiosity, nodding as you held your helmet below your arm. "Of course Bones!" You exclaimed, waiting for him to continue.

He took a deep breath.

"Will you-" He was soon interrupted by a message from Kirk sounding throughout the Enterprise. "(Y/N) Please report to the bridge now, we are going off the mission in five minutes. I repeat. (Y/N) Please report to the bridge now"

You looked at him with an apologetic look as you ran off, leaving a slightly disappointed and angry with himself Bones.

Not again...


He was not going to give up just yet!

He turned around, running through the halls behind your running figure, trying to catch up with you. He somehow lost you on the way, and when you got there, he was crushed to see you were gone.

He sighed as he punched the wall, sitting down as he burried his head in his hands. "Why can't I be brave and just ask (Y/N) to go out with me!" He exclaimed a bit loudly, being startled by someone clearing their throats.

It seemed you were not gone, in fact, Bones was there first.

He stood up with a jolt, stuttering things as he rubbed the back of his neck, eatching as you smiled and dropped your helmet on the floor, running to him as you embraced him in a hug.

"Oh Bones, I will be more than glad to go on a date with you." You said breathlessly, blushing like mad as you looked up, seeing his shocked yet happy expression.

He smiled, leaning his forehead against yours as he whispered. "My Star Girl..." He spoke.

Yay! Chapter! Idk why people still read this xD I don't think this is honestly good. Welp! I hope you enjoyed it!

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