Chapter 42

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Vic point of view I was with Jayden. Is dying I'm going to call Emma see how she doing I can't let Jayden. lose his fight from Cancer Jayden. has to win we have to stay strong for Jayden.
Emma-hey dad
me-hey Emma
emma- dad what going on why did you call is Jayden okay
me-Emma I call you that Jayden is not doing okay he dying he not going to get bette
Emma-dad don't tell me that Jayden dying my only twin brother I need Jayden dad
me I know Emma everything is going to be okay be strong for Jayden he wants you to stay strong for him
Emma- I have to go I'm out with Tj we are at the beach I will try to stay strong for Jayden bye dad
me-okay I will talk to you later the Emma please stay strong for Jayden bye Emma
emma hang up the phone I feel bad. about Emma and Jayden I see Jayden. sleeping he so peaceful when he sleeps. I don't know what to do if I lose Jayden. will I have to stay strong.

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