Meeting the Folks

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Hey guys! So I updated! Lucky you! This chappy's kinda interesting for me. She's finally going to meet them. Will it be awesome? Or will it turn out to be a disaster? Why don't you go and find out...


Chapter 23: Meeting the Folks

Charlotte’s POV

“What do you mean this weekend?” I asked Eugene as we walked to our room.

“Yes, it’s this weekend.”

“But why so soon?”

“Come on. I think it’s time. And time is running fast you know.”

“Okay. So you mean that I’m going to meet your parents and your grandpa next week.”

“Yep. I mean, what could go wrong?”

“Uh, everything!”

“Just relax. It’s going to be fun!” Fun. Right.  At this point, we had already reached the classroom. As I sat down, I just couldn’t miss the fact that Martin hasn’t been in school since our fight. I’m starting to miss him but whenever I remember what he said about me, I can’t help being furious. The day lasted and I still can feel the nervousness surging through my body. I don’t know but I just feel nervous about the idea of meeting his parents. Oh well, good luck to me, I guess.


“Okay, just breathe in and out. Relax.”

“Thanks.” I told Eugene. We were driving to a luxurious restaurant partly owned by them.

“We’re here,” he finally said. I took a deep breath and looked at my outfit for the last time. I was wearing a gray sleeveless dress that reached my knees and I wore a bronze pendant to match with my bracelet. I guess he noticed me looking so he said,

“Relax. You look beautiful.” He held my hand as we walked inside the restaurant. That’s when I saw them. His parents. When I looked more closely, I noticed that he got his mom’s blue eyes and his dad’s jet black hair. His mom was beautiful, so radiant, that I actually wonder how his dad ever cheated on her. We arrived at their table and Eugene pulled a seat for me.

“Eugene, is this the girl you’ve been talking about?” His mom asked with a kind smile.

“Yes mom.”

“Well, I’m glad that you’ve finally had a serious relationship. You haven’t had one since…” His dad trailed off. Since what?, I wondered.

“Oh, where are my manners? I’m Gina and this is my husband, Edmund.” His mom cut in.

“Nice meeting you. I’m Charlotte.”

“Eugene has said much about you,” she said looking amused.

“Oh really?” I said looking at Eugene who is slightly nervous with the look I was giving him.

“Don’t worry. They’re all good.” Before I could answer, the food came up so we started eating.

“So Charlotte, what do you think of my son?” Edmund asked me. I looked at Eugene and felt his elbow nudge mine.

“Well, he’s kind, helpful, and thoughtful. He actually saved my life once.” Eugene smiled at his parents as if he was proud of himself. Then his dad said,

“Say, how much did he pay you to tell us all those things?” Then our table burst into laughing while Eugene was giving his father the daggers.

“Oh but I’m not finished yet,” I said. “Here’s the other side of him. He’s arrogant, boastful and cocky. He thinks so highly of himself.”

“I like you,” His mom, Gina, said. “You don’t know how to lie.” Eugene’s dad and I snickered. After dinner, we were about to leave in a few minutes to see his grandpa. While waiting for the car, Eugene and his dad went outside the garden which just left me and his mom.

“You know Charlotte, it’s good to see Eugene happy and inspired,” she said. Deep inside, I know that it was something else that made him happy. I mean, how could it be me? I’m just his fake girlfriend right? “The way he talks about you is as if you are the center of his world.” I looked at her eyes and can see pure joy in them. I can’t imagine what would happen when the deal is over. Will Eugene ever tell his parents the truth? The car finally came and we went out to call Eugene and his dad. Next up, his grandpa.


So, yeah, it turned out to be good. What do you think? Was Charlotte really the reason for his happiness? Nah, I won't tell you. Haha! BTW, you got any cast ideas and stuff? Please message me!

Father and Mother-in-laws,

IceIceBaby9 +_+

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