Moving On

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Last chapter! Yehey! This story is finally finished. 43 chapters. Yahoo! But, I'm still deciding if I'm going to make an epilogue and some special chapters. Well, read now and tell me what you think!



Chapter 43: Moving On

Charlotte's POV

It's been what? 10 years?

10 years since THAT happened.

It's been a long time.

I am now standing in the grounds of Shepherd Cemetery.

Visiting someone who meant something to me long ago...

"You know, I really wanna thank you."

I was talking. Talking to someone 6 feet under the ground.

I'm now a doctor. I'm really successful despite everything that happened.

"Thank you for loving me... For loving me so much."

I smiled bitterly as I remembered.

He truly loved me, but that actually came up as a bad thing.

Especially for him.

"And I'm sorry. Because that love caused you death."

I felt a tear drop from my eye.

He died because of his love... For me.

"But I want you to know that I am happy with my life."

Yes I am. I truly am.

I wake up each day with a smile on my face.

"I want you to be happy wherever you are now. You really deserve to be happy. Everybody does. Despite everything." I told him.

I remembered all the memories we had. Happy and sad.

I'm thankful for each one.

"You gave up a lot for me. Thank you."

I was sincere with everything that I said.

I really was thankful.

"I miss you. After all that, I still miss you." I smiled.

I looked like an idiot. I was smiling even though tears were falling.

But I do miss him.

"Don't get mad at me but I'm glad that this happened, that you're gone. Don't get me wrong, I'm sad but a large portion of my heart is relieved."

I looked at the grass beside his name. This place was clean because I cleaned it last time I visited this place which was last week.

"Be happy... Please... For me..." I told him.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Charlene hugged my feet.

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce you to my daughter, Charlene." I looked at the ground.

"Mommy, who lies here?" Charlene asked me, full of curiosity.

"A friend." I smiled at her. Yes. That's what he is. A friend.

"Oh. Well, daddy said he's gonna take me to McDonald's today!"

I smiled. Her father is still sweet as always. He loves me and I love him.

"Okay baby, tell your daddy to wait just a sec."

She nodded her head and ran to the car.

My heart is very light from the talk with my daughter. She always lights me up. She's just like her dad.

"I'm leaving now. You know. Kids. It's gonna take a while before I get to visit you again." I told to the guy lying peacefully under the ground.

"Char, let's go?" My husband came right up behind me.

I smiled at him, adoring his face.

"Yes. Let's go."

We walked hand in hand to our car.
We were silent until he spoke up.

"I love you Char. Thank you for everything. Thank you for trusting me with your heart."

I smiled. He never fails to make me smile. Since that happened, he has been making an effort and it makes me love him so much.

"No. Thank you. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for being a great father, a great husband, a best friend, a partner.

I love you Eugene."


Yehey! So that's it. Happy ending. Awww... The story's over. But! I may or may not write an epilogue and some special chapters. So, should I write some?

Tell me if I should!

This is not the end,

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